: WASH BURN "BUY A SEASON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL TICKET" ELMER W. HOLM, Athletic Director TOPEKA, KANSAS, October 19, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen | , = Director of Physical Education - University of Kansas = Lawrence, Kansas a Dear Dr. Allen: 3 a I will submit the fiames of the following 4 officials for your approval in the Washburn- = Kansas University games on December 16 ard ae January 4: E. C. Quigley, Parke Carroll, i Reeves Peters, Ab Hinshaw, Claude Cochrane, . Gene Johnson, John Wolf. ‘I think this will a be a satisfactory list to choose from. a I am like you are in that I like Mr. Quigley | very much so if you will suggest one other a from the list mentioned, I will get in touch ie a with them right away. Very truly yours, ia ee, y Dee Errickson, : ss Basketball Coach 4 DE:EE en ee ie 2 eRe IN a HGR y CPi gas eee ae Te pier Foy SPN aa Ry ce reg PR a ay Sg SBR ah at Fee Seed oe he See ieee EN, oe ta gael SO Rete Tat