troatment that the medical supervisor has o.k. You will find that in some types of injurios the recovery period will be cut in half py Administering three treatments per day in- stead of the usual once We plan to stay on one scction of the body until each student has mastcred it. They must bcocome thoroughly familiar with each and every bone and umscle of the human anatomy s that they may treat the various injurics with a full lkmowledge of the bonc and muscle affocted. We will, also, have many articles written each month for the present college trainers that will be very interesting for you and your student trainers to study in conncetion with the regular lessons, You and your stucent trainocrs might rcad them as they appear and use them as ‘you seo fite Your medical supervisor will be very happy to explain the technical side of any of the subjocts under ciscussione Your physiology or hygiene classes will be stucied with new intensity as they will help the student traincrs to beocone more familiar with the human body with which the lessons are to be concerned. The studont trainers will have, also, the responsibility for: (1) Social Restrictions- Every athlete should realize that certain restrictions must be put on his hours out-side the training schodule,s This includes late hours, drink- ing, smoking and datcse (2) Prophylactic Care- The study of each athlete brings out individual factors that if considered will go a long ways toward preventing injurics and tho following subdivisions applys (a) Examination and records of athlete at the be~ ginning of the training period by a competent physician. (bo) Taping, bandaging, ctc»., applied to {(c) Inspecting of equipment and proper fitting of same, (d) Placing according to physique and mentality» (ce) Continuous records for protection and resacarch as to weight and general physical condition. {3) Emergency Care- Trainers should know about emergency care for many times a physician is not immediately available. (a) Skin abrasions, blisters, boils, ctc» rt (0) Ligamentous injuries. (c) Muscle injuries. (ad). Recognition of organic or brain lesions that require the immediate service of a competent physician or hospitalizations «2 «=