’ POASAH | Oetober 26, 1987, lip, B. C, Quigley St, Marys, Kansas. Dear Ernie: I have written both Washburn and Ottawa to see if Washburn would change from the 16th to the Sth or 9th, and if Ottawa would Shenae from the 10th to the Sth or 9th of Dec» ember, . = nave also written Don Cooper asking for the Z2ist or 24th instead of the 25rd, I have suggested that you and Heinte work at both games and have asked their approval, i very much enjoyed my little visit with you, ami I sincerely appreciate your Icindness in offering your services and those o Heinie on either Novenber 30, December 1, or Decomber S, as will fit into your seheme of things, If you will kindly let me know at your earliest convenience I will appreedlate it. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education,