5 pam isle = us = : = pelea = “a mse Coad aa GF = oe pose — = se a aa = ge eet aes MARCH 7-12, 1938| MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM a KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI E Ss. LISTON ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, BAKER UNIVERSITY, CHAIRMAN BALDWIN, KANSAS, BOARD OF MANAGEMENT October 14, 19357 Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Oregon State Normal University, Ashland—Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho. John B ' Basketball i Posey aol enn Dr > F, C. All en ee eee University of Kansas a. Lawrence, Kansas Forrest Cox po he ag Pesce — s colorado, Boulder — ti icky e Mountain Conference and the states My dear Phog ° of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark In checking the dates on our college calen- Attlee Dieter, New Maioo Nr | dar and those you have taken, it seems the only Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. possible date would be Monday, ‘December 135, Al Baggett ‘pice Athletic Director, West Texas 2 a ° Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- You mentioned coming to Baldwin. What sort west Conference and the state of ‘ — of contract would you expect? I believe we could H P. tb + ne ie ; + " rs : a ‘lee Ci, eo both make money playing in Lawrence unless that & M. Univesity, Stilmater, Oa- | would make too many basketball games scheduled for the Missouri Valley Conference, Lawrence in a short time. People in Lawrence have Pat M a ’ hn daisies, Secdiensh Cale. not forgotten the close games we have had for the So past two years, and I believe they might antici- R. G. Rogers pate another one and come out. Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. At any rate, I should be glad to have your W. B. Wood 2 + t a , ; Poon teen a ae reaction to the suggestion, College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi and cams Very truly yours Arthur ‘‘Dutch’ Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern 4 : University, Evanston, Ilinois—Big wf 6 Ten Conference and states of Wis- flr. : consin, Minnesota and Illinois. 7 PD Roy E. Tillotson ov] Athletic Director, Franklin College Bes List on —— Athletic Director A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- - Conference and the §. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve 1T e University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio ESL: lh and Michigan. Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- land district. Gt elie catia.