October 22, 1937 ~. Sports Editor, : ‘ The Des Meines Register and Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa, Dear Sec: . Thank you for oe good letter of the 20th, I will write te Bill Williams ané suggest that he submit a list ef officials for the game, keep- ing in mind the very necessary fact that we must keep traveling expenses to the minimum. I will cooperate fully in every wey you desire, | I am wondering, before I write Bill, what you think of the possibility of getting Ernie Quigley there for head man. He aiways charges a pretty high exyense aceount, but I believe that his name adds prestige to the drawing power of the game, What do you think about it? I would like you to have your expression vefore I write Bill Willians, You can count on sty playing the game with you. We had thought of coming up a day or so early to practice, and in that way we could play up the publi- city from e good many angles, However, if you think it will not be worth much on the publicity angle we won't do it, but I want to do everything I can to help your gate receipts, since you were very gencrous in allowing us a larger sum than you have other schools. Very cordially yours, FCA:AH Director of Physical Education. The Des Moines Register and Tribune Publishers of | The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation October 20, 1937 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: I want to thank you for your tip about the basketball film. I have written to Bob Russell to find out who handles it in this territory. We used your silent film at our school two years ago quite successfully and I am sure the new film will be entertaining as well as educational, and that the coaches will want to see it. I am sorry that you were unable to stop off here on your way home from Oklahoma. [I be- lieve I was out of town at the time, however, and so would have missed you. In our negotiations about your game with Drake at the coaching school no mention was made of the officials. I suggest that you and Bill Williams get together on the officials, keeping in mind all the time that we do not want to pay anymore traveling expenses than we have to, since the expenses of the school and the game are going to run quite high. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely, Sec Taylor st:hb Sports Editor October 22, 1937. ir, Worthington, Clerk, Hotel Fort Des pent Des Moines, Iowa, Dear Mir, Worthington: The Kansas basketball team ip expect= ‘tne to play Drake University at Des Moines on December a You have always made eonetek rates for our Kansas track team during the Drake HKelays. Years ago when our school was a member of the o14 Nissouri Valley Conference we always stopped at the Hotel Fort Des fioines when we played Iowa State, Grinnell and Drake, | We would like to iknow what rate you can make our basketball team for two or three days. We may come Bn the 27th and be in Des Moines on the nights of the 27, 28 and 29, leaving on the morning of the 350th. We a er a squad of 14 to 16 men, i an writing to the hotels in Des ilotnes to find the best rates, and if you can give us -@ pate comparable to what you did for the brake — it will be glad to hear from you. Very cordially yours, FGA sAH | Director of Physical Education, Novesber 2, 1957. lie, Garry Riggs, Manager Eotel Fort ie x52, Manag r | Des Moines, towa. Dear Mes Rigess Thank you for your good letter of the 23rd ultimo quoting our basketball team wholesale rates during the time of their stay in Des Moines . We may run up there on the 27th, being there for the nights of the 27, 28, and 29, We are earry- ing a fairly large equad, You mey count on our sore re et your hotel. Our teams have stayed there for so ong that we feel very much at home, and you have always beon tery nice in providing ahs vest of facilitics for Us» / hen we arrive we will bs sue to aiscuss and work out the treining table diet. Prewsoason trips of this nature ao not recaive the liberal budgetery allowances that other trips in mid-season receive. It is, therefors, necessary for ws to-pather cuard our expenditures with an eye of ceution. I am bringing as many as possible se that . the whole group may ” the benefit of the training therefrom, : Very sincersiy yours, PCASAB | | Director of Physical Education, S. rn October ford, 1957. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you very much indeed for your letter of October 22nd advising that your basketball team is meeting Drake University in Des Moines on December 29th, We are glad to quote below our special whole- Sale rates which we are permitted to quote your athletic teams, all rooms are, of course, equipped with private Vath, cimeuletine teewater, servidor, etc; Double bed - two in room ~— $1.50 per person Twin beds - two in room - 1.75 per pers Single occupancy = $2.50 AS you will recall, Hotel Fort Des Moines is abe a Cates ide: Sat al a Sy ik ete i aia ay pa pen cage eae < ayes aay oa located just outside of the aown-town loop which assures ee 4. a eee ea feat awe ose 4 you O1 most spacious accommodations in a quiet sector, b 6 * - A % ot o9 ~ -r\7 +4 + “ oy We would be Pleased to give you our most desir-— 7 an mr Jantar: nA : aak TAI I J a Taka + adle accommodations, and possibl: you,would also like to eres as le Pema Nappi ager Seeea be ae eos 2 4 = + 1, 4 ) J ae wOrx OU training table facilities with our \ °e dthotel upon arrival. iT oF 7 oy 1 oy 1 ¥ r ts, ~— c ” % 7 May we have the privilege of serving you and your boys? Garry Riggs, ‘Manager PB c HOTEL FORT DES Bick Fort Ch. A eae. a, Sow. A EF cogrieys IAs Cis Sbotel Out of the smoke and noise of the “loop” district, yet only three blocks to its center—combining quiet and cleanliness with utmost convenience. Spacious size and luxurious appointments make the lobby one of the most beautiful in the entire midwest. Each of the 400 guest rooms has bath, circulating ice water and servidor service. The rooms are attractively, comfortably furnished, and the deep mattresses were made for sleep. A whole floor of sample rooms makes the Fort Des Moines ideal for salesmen’s headquarters, seasonal merchandise showings, and other commercial exhibits. The Oak Room, featuring Con- tinental-type food service. Refriger- ated during the summer months. (Right) The Continental Buffet. The Coffee Shop, featuring the fine food for which the Hotel Fort Des Moines is known. The Tropical Room, Des Moines’ favorite night-time rendezvous for dancing. Open during the season. Hard maple makes The large banquet room, affording space for as many as 1,000 to dine at one time. a perfect dance Many smaller rooms to accommodate lesser numbers. floor. | a ra = SERVICE WEST + BALL: ROOM LOUNGE | KITCHEN oe 888 . lt 4G-4 x 41°0 o a = | I | I 7 } A es m= ae PRIVATE oor | ‘SERVICL @ALL | ; BALL-ROOM > BALL- ROOM MENS LADIE | | ‘Soo tt “LOBBY = a = “LOBBY: SMOKING 2M war PES cece TTT nu [eves -ecev-| HH/ wr’? a : lols | - —- - “i ; private PSERVICE: CORLIDOR 6}v |e T l MENS fait. lie "Looe ‘yn ROOM ff 15-6"x 15-0" : : 2 : e w a _ a ul i ENTRANCE - PREC OWY = cuesr ai if ee — —— — ——— ‘CHECK BRM ( L__a . = ; | | d GUEST RM l =D AGN Use | | biden 1310" x = "| PO Oat = > 30-1" X 56-1" ie hs + = | - UPPER: TART- OF LOUNGE- a OUEST bt WOMENS 40 I coon i “PARLOR > | ‘bof GUEST RK / tl - ; 13-10" X 15-0 i J c “C di Above is a sketch of the floor plan of the Banquet Room. Located on the mezzanine, this spacious hall provides an. extremely attractive locale for convention sessions and entertaining. . Broad, tall windows, delicately decorated walls, polished maple floor, faultless appointments—all. combine to make this the most engaging of banquet halls. The beauty of the surroundings is reflected in the quality and preparation of the food. The service is swift, silent 2 — i —— | and efficient, and the fact that the serving room directly adjoins insures that hot dishes will be served piping hot. Adjoining the Banquet Room is the mezzanine lounge, where delegates and guests may stroll and relax amid luxurious surroundings. . As are all of our facilities, the Banquet Room and the smaller private dining and meeting rooms are open for inspection daily. This folder has pictured only a few of the many, many reasons why your convention is already half way toward success when you choose Des Moines as your convention city. We will be pleased to furnish further information upon request. rts Editor, e Des Moines Register ani Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa, Dear See? | I am er sorry if I have caused you ‘any enbarrassment regarding the Dratre~Xansag game on December 29, | We have not given any publicity out from Lawrence regar@ing our schedule, However, Quigley as @ professional official always calls on us for our schedule, and then he makes it his business © to write each and every one of, our opponents, as he Coes all teams, I imagine, with a vier of arranging his schedule more satisfactorily. : .£ want to assure you that if in your opinion Quigley'*s charges are not reasonable, we cer- tainly will be agreeable to your getting any official that you think best. I trust that you will feel thet I am not and have not pressed his name to your embarr- assment. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, FCA: AH Direetor of Physical Bdueation, 3 Register and Tribune The Des Moines Publishers of The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation October 28, 1957 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: I have written to Quigley and have asked him to write me and tell me exactly what he will want to come here to officiate the ball- game with Drake and to devote about an hour with the coaching school to a talk about rules, offi- clating, procedure, etc. If his terms are reasonable we will try to make use of him, otherwise I fear that we will have to get officials who are nearer to us than he, for we must keep down the expenses of the game. I wish you had not talked to him about the game as he wrote me immediately and I am sort of on the spot with him. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely, A Sec Taylor st:hb Sports Editor 4 DES MOINES, l|OWA November 5th, 1937 Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you very much indeed for your letter of November 2nd advising that you are bringing your basketball squad of fourteen or sixteen men to the Hotel Fort Des Moines about December 27th, We will look forward to the privilege of again serving you and your boys, and you cm count upon our providing you with most outstand- ing accommodations on the wholesale rate basis quoted in our letter of October 25rd. If you will later confirm number of boys in your group and the -exact time of your arrival, we shall be prepared to give your re- quirements our most particular attention. Garry Riggs, Manager HOTEL FORT DES MOINES A TANGNEY-McGINN HOTEL DED MOINES November 10, 1957> DRAKE UNIVERSITY DES MOINES, !QWA DEPARTMENT OF : PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN November 1, 1957 Mr. F. C. Allen University of Kensés Lewrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Your idea of a schedule for the meeting in Kanses City, December 4th meets with my epprovel. I shall be glad to sit. in. It won't be long now until you will be bringing your teem up to give us e shellacin', I don't know why the Register and Tribune had to subject ws to such humiliation. However, we are willing to go through with it. I suppose Mir. Sec Taylor has written you regerding officiels. Anyone that he agrees upon will be satisfectory to me. Sincerely yours, BE. O. Williems Athletic Director W/ms DRAKE UNIVERSITY DES MOINES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF . PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN November 12, 1937 Mr. Forrest ¢. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: It will be very agreeable with us for you to come up 4& day or two early so that you might have a workout on our floor. We will errenge our schedule accordingly. I believe thet the Register and Tribune is very much pleased to be able to have your team up here for the Goaching School: It is quite a large affair. Infact, they have hed as high as 600 coaches in here, and our place is generally pretty well-filled for the final game. Please don't get your boys too hot. Very sincerely yours, | 5 2 > \ E. QO. Williams Director of Athletics W/ms ees C.H. HARTNAGLE, Manacer Mr. Forrest C, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We note that your basketball team will be in Des Moines during the period of the Register & Tribune Coaching School, to be held December 28th and 29th. Des Moines We are pleased to submit our special ath- letic rate to you, as follows: Rooms with bath, twin beds, two men to a room, $1.50 per man; rooms with bath, one double bed, two men to a room, $1.25 per man, We would be pleased to have you send us advance information as to the time of your arrival and the number of men who will make the trip in or- der that we can make the necessary reservations and have everything in readiness upon your arrival. Yours very traly, Manager ° The Heart of CHH: mme In Fireproof « » Redecorated « » Refurnished UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS December 9, 1937. 5 Dre Forrest Ce Allen, 105 Robinson Gymnasium, Campuse Dear Doctor: Will you please remember me to Ball Williams “en you wast oe. oe December 29. Bill was manager of the Birdlan Poo] last summer and. we became quite well acquainted. : Thanking you for this favor and with best wishes for a “suocessful tean, Sincerely, fata Ge Allphine THE INDIAN-DETOUR AND GRAND CANYON LINE The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System Dr F.C.Allen, lawrence Des Moines Ia & From To returne Station Road Time Train No. Day and Date Remarks Lv. TLawrenrte Santa Fe 8 ALAM 26 May Dec th ie ee ee it QO 2hAY 24 wit nn O74) eS <= = a Fo ll Lv. Kansas City Rock Island) 12.01PM 507 had ae 2. Grand Ave, i Ar. Deg Moines Ia ""(Rocket) 4¢ PN| 507 ae 8" 27th Grand Ave, . Lv. Des Moies Ia ae we 5 2GPM 08 WH - 30% Ar. Kansas City ance" |, 9.45pm Se nw 6" JoOth Lv. Kansas City Santa Fe 10,05Pu 27 ae we 30th Ar. Lawrence ne 10.57 Py 27 TL nM 20+ Or L : Lv. Des Moies Ia Rock Island |. 7.35Al 17 nn NM 30¢h Ar. Kansas Ci ty ae 1.15PM ays an a" 302% Lv. Kansas City Ranta Fe 2.- FV 15 af Hf 30th, Ar. Lawrence en 2253PM 15 * E® 30th Lv. Ar. Lv. Round trip raill for party off 15 or more traveling on one tidket Ar. per capita.$7.87. Lv. e og f Ar. (662%) All principal SANTA FE trains are now AIR°CONDITIONED Sea Remarks: PY Grand Canyon National Park and the Indian-detours, on the Santa Fe to or from California and Southern Arizona, offer matchless stopovers of any length and at any season. The Santa Fe is the only railroad entering Grand Canyon National Park. Pullmans direct to the Rim. Indian-detours explore by motor the cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos and quaint native villages of the Spanish-Indian country about Old Santa Fé, New Mexico. 2 CAN, PAC, * GLACIER” NATIONAL PARK =~ co. a 8. | A MT, RAIN “NATIONAL RAB V 8. oar P ai | \ eo | i LSS YELL NATI ke O na CRATER LAKE P“NATIONAL PARK 0 MEDFORD -—]—- —— — anente ———— a SISSON wr, passen NATIONAL PARK a0. rh A . Wilh a ye * a a : \ ‘ ; } SQOF, aS YY q 5 —. ST.LOUIS SAK cKT ON. , : e~, YOSEMITE p Tp AATIONAL PARK ON Gwe" mory\ DODGE %, 4, HUTEHINED PAN Sy \ 0 GENERAL GRANT if ee SA ¢ « NATIONAL PARK oo ae Gi, SEQUOIA Prue yg b BOISE CITY ATIONAL PARK is ° ROAGUA __ {I er \ y ! The Santa Fe is the only line under one management “all the way’’— Chicago to California and Phoenix— thus insuring uniformity of service === Santa Fe Double Track \ \ \ . aewauums Santa Fe Single Track é S , \ | * Other Lines \ \ h BROWNSVILLE 1 December 16, 1987. : (I wish to issue a corrections The title is: “The Stra Transitional Usueforelien Defease With the Zouo Principle", I will be very happy to speak at 4 on Wednesday, December 25, 2 | dik Sette Soh m pone S tcheetaen: oF Metals the 2lst, and got 8500, so I wovld not think thet ovr usual Big Six guarantee of $400 was out of line. We also trust that you and 42 seme way about it. . he desired to use, but have not heard fran him as yete i om wondering if you would check up with 8111 and see if we camot get a iset of nominations for the officietings I will drop over when I get to tow and have @ vieit with you and Sec.» : With every good wish, I am 3 Very sincerely yourr, Varsity Basketball Coach, == FCAtHi Director of Physical Sdusations The Des Moines Register and Tribune Publishers of The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation December 15, 1937 Dr. F. C. Alien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: As per your letter, I am entering your subject at our coaching school as "The Stratified Transitional Man-for-Man Defense Without Zone Principle." Our program calls for you to start your discussion at 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 29. If there is any information concerning our school which you would like to have, please feel free to ask for it. Looking forward to seeing you, I am BLS AE a8 bm/hb Bert McGrane Tecenber 1S, LOS7e Mrs Bert NeGrans, Sports Desk, Tes ones Foghster & Tribe, Des Moines, low. Dear Bert: See has asked me to write you, giving you the subject of my telk to the coaches. is it - The Strati ied er oo oe Zone Principal”. : a iach ah es ek ak 2 ; naa mee to work with Lovie Menze, Marshall Sekise Wilitone, Pook soon ari De, Cromers Tt will be good to see you and your fanilye Cordially Yours, FCASAH Director of Physical Mdueations | The Des Moines Register and Tribune Publishers of The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation December 11, 19357 Dr. 2. &. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: I will appreciate. it if you will write Bert McGrane, who is the director of our basket- ball school, and tell him just what subject you would like to handle at our school. A few subjects have already been assign- ed or chosen. For instance, Louie Menze will talk on "Group Fundamentals,” Marshall Dubold on "Individual Defense," Rollie Williams on "General Defense," Paul Moon, one of our leading high school coaches, on “Coaching Psychology," and Dr. M. D. Cramer, on "Athletic Injuries.” We are planing on using you sometime during the day of December 29. Each coach is allowed approximately an hour. Thanking you and with kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely, je Sec Tayl st/hb | Sports Editor December 135 LOST. | oe ; \ : lire Sec Taylor, | re Des Moines Register and rnd ee mea Sees | i I am writing Bert McGrane, the director of © | fhe Inekethal! school, telling hin T will opoal on "the tt) ee NRE Renee Daten HI the Bap Priucipal*. : | Twill be happy to 3% in any time that I~ ies Wisin daiuc eh tae OF Seseess SO Lewill try to maim thet 60 almites Suterwsting to tho ysiting coaches scons al mg ed mag a or Oe ee Hee, I om Very sincerely yours, g ' | o Deeeriber li, 1937 litte vagina i . Sports tor, Des Moines, Toute \ \ \ i trust thet you received the copy of Better time to look it over at your leisure. ‘ I did mot lmow until now thet Bert McGrane wes manager of your school, Had I know this I would not heave bothered you with the details thet I have heree We expect to leave lewrense on the 27th of December and get up there for a couple of days' practice before the games I trust to have a visit with yous “Wath every good wish, I an Very sincerely yours, The Des Moines Register and Tribune Publishers of The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation December 8, 1937 Dr. ¥. &. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: I have just returned from a two weeks trip and while away had no opportunity to take care of any correspondence. I find after consulting with Bert McGrane, who is the manager of our school, that we just cannot afford to bring Quigley here for this game since we have already made SO Many commitments that we are over our bud= get. I will appreciate it if you will try to get together with Bill Williams on some coaches who are not so far from Des Moines as Mr. Quigley. Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Sincerely, Ger sec Tay. st/hb Sports Editor Mire Bil] Williams, Athletic Director, Drake University, Des Moines, laws “Dear Bilis I have just received a letter fron See Taylor that he could not make arrangements with oe eee Will you submit a list of officials that - you think would be satisfactory to the Des Moines Gigli fact Sidbame,, oo Sha’ & way tatnake 0 couple for your selection? Sec just told me in his letter for the - fiest time that Bert McGrane is manager of the schoole ted I imowm that I would have been writing Berte I imagine it is just a slight oversights Very cordially yours, : : Varsity Basketball Coach, PUASAR Director of Physical Educations Decenber ll, 19375 iC December Ni, i987. Me Boxt UoGrane, Sports Desk, Deg Moines Register and Tribume, Bee Moines, lowe ; Dear Bert: I heve just received a letter fran Sec ‘Teylor stating that you are manager of the scaching schoole I had mot kmow: this heretofore, elses I