1 December 16, 1987. : (I wish to issue a corrections The title is: “The Stra Transitional Usueforelien Defease With the Zouo Principle", I will be very happy to speak at 4 on Wednesday, December 25, 2 | dik Sette Soh m pone S tcheetaen: oF Metals the 2lst, and got 8500, so I wovld not think thet ovr usual Big Six guarantee of $400 was out of line. We also trust that you and 42 seme way about it. . he desired to use, but have not heard fran him as yete i om wondering if you would check up with 8111 and see if we camot get a iset of nominations for the officietings I will drop over when I get to tow and have @ vieit with you and Sec.» : With every good wish, I am 3 Very sincerely yourr, Varsity Basketball Coach, == FCAtHi Director of Physical Sdusations