September SQ, 1944. Mr. B.C. Quigley, Director of Athidtics, University of Kansas. Dear Eynie: You asked me a week ago if I had any games planned here for the week of Decembh : skson called ami we tentatively agreed on a game for\Decembe: fopeka) and one on December 7 or 8 here at Lewrence. The Navy Zoomers want to play us at Norman, Oklahoma, on December 9. They will give us a guarantee of $400.00, the sane as the Big Six guarantee, but I am not sure that we want to make that trip for that amount of money. I will talk with you about it. Errickson and I tentatively agreed that if Kensas played the Zoomers on the 9th we would play Washburn GierĀ® on the 74h; if we do not play the Zoomers we would play Washburn on the 8th. Upon your return from Denver I will be happy to discuss this with you to see if it conflicts with any of your plans for the football game, and so forth, the week-end of December 7 and 8. I was in Kansas City the other weekeend and made tentative arrange- ments with the hall people for December 12 in Kansas City. I had in mind opening up with Rockhurst there because if we play the first game in Kansas City the drawing card is moh better than if we play Rockhurst at Lawrence the first game. I have followed the same pro- cedure in regard to opening up with Washburn in Topeka. I do want to get some practice games like Washburn and Rockhurst before the heavier schedule starts. I will withhold everything until I can talk with you when you get back. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, PCA: AH 2 _ Varsity Basketball Coach.