Oct. 6, 1940 Regarding the posteseason game, there is no definite time set as to when the basketball season shall end, but I presume that because the Oklahoma A. and Me game was scheduled after the close of our conference season, Merch 7, that certain members of the Board might have thought that the Oklahoma A,» dnd M. game was a post~season games It is not posteseason any more than is the football game with Colorado State, This game is played after the Big Six football season closes with Missouri on November ai, but it is not post-seasone : : . ”upthernere, many ‘peupts are of the opinion that the basket- ball practice season is' long. When you consider that the first games . are played.on December 9 and 10 against Texas, then the Christms recess begins on December 21, just 11 days after the Texas games, and school does not take up until January 6, then the first game with Oklahoma is played 8, and on Janvary 25 examinations begin and no games may be played during that period, then school does not start again until February 6, another two weeks of idleness, you can see that the basketball _— season is mere broken upo = ‘Prom February 4 to mreh 1l is a little better than a monthe The actual season then is not actually of two months durations When you consider that eighteen games are scattered over a total elapsed time of over three months, it is not a aahtieult matter to see that the season is not very SireeNeNts: : 3 z want to assure you, Proleséer Davis, that I will never embarrass the Athletic Board b <> making tentative agreements with our opponents and then asking our ad to ratify the same. Every tentative agreement has been ewristly in accordance with the rules of the Big Sixe | Last year when the Nashbure ‘tournament misunderstanding cane UP, ‘I had previously written letters asking that the Board take some actions and had they done so I would not have had the Big Six mise (rw understanding that we did have. I had not known that at a faculty meeting, _ whieh you did not attend but which Professor Jones attended, a motion was made to cut the allowable basketball games in the Big Six from 20 to 18. This word was not communicated by the faculty representative to the athletic directors, nor were the coaches informed by any authorized source, so itwas perfectly natural and thinlmble that we should plan om 20 gameso Trusting that these explations clear up any ihisunderstanding that the Board members might have had regarding rules of. the Big Six Conferences I am, ; Very cordially viii Director of Physical Baucation and Recreation FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach ce; Athletic Board