September 27, 1944. Mr. George Edwards, Baskethall Coach, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear George: Once I heard of a Dutchman. He was not named Hoff, but his name was Kloppf. Ue was to serve on the jury. He got so so excited and mixed up, and he said, "Goodeby, wifey, goodeby. I got to leave my home in the country and — go to Kansas City and serve on the jury. I know I am going to run over the oar and kill somebody.” . It is queer, when these Dutch have things explained to them sometimes fairly clearly that they oannot get it. I went in to talk to Ralph Baker, and Hoff dropped in. I was going down to see Mr. Hoff later and explain to hin, but I wanted the dates held. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. EnGe .