September 20, 1944. Mr. George Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear George: Iam writing you a letter in utter franidiess so that there will be no misunderstanding. Everett Shelton wrote saying that you thought the 15th and 16th of December ware too early. I think Shelton could play on the 15th and 16th, but he is playing Michigan on the 23rd as he desires to keep his game with the Big Ten. However, he is very anxious to play in Kansas City at some time and hopes that he can arrange it. He stated in his letter that you thought the 15th and 16th were too early to draw a good crowd. I do not know what arrangements he has made for these dates, if any, since he wrote because I have not commmicated with him, but he cannot play the 22nd and 23rd. Bruce Drake is going to play the Iowa Seahawks in Kansas City on the 15th or 16th. He wanted us to play the Oklahomm Aggies. Although our Chancellor has objected to ow playing the Aggies, I wrote Ir. Hank Iba on the contin- gency that the Chancellor might reconsider his previous stand. Hank is playing in Philadelphia at that time. Bruce wanted us to play some tean when they play the Seahawks. Anyhow, for the 22nd and 23rd we have tentatively agreed on Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas, but George, we have no one for the fowrth competitor. Washburn University wants to play, but frankly I do not believe they will draw sufficiently to include then. What do you think? The reason I wrote you so definitely about this thing was that I believe Ev Shelton would play either the 15th or 16th, and I would not want to agree with Bruce Drake that Wyoming come in atti make the foursome with the Iowa Seahawks, Oklahoma and Kensas. It might appear that we were .to shut Missouri out of the picture on the 15th and 16th. How do you feel on te 15th or 16th for Kansas and Missouri to make the foursome with Okla- homa and Iowa Pre-Plight? It might be that if you are agreeable, if the Pre-Flight School could get away, that Oklehoma play the Seahawks on one night and Kansas and Missouri could play the second game of a double-header, and then the next night it could be arranged to have Missouri play either Oklahoma or the —— — and Kansas play the other tean.-