Tits November 15th 1944 To Basketball Coaches Big Six Conference: Gentlemen: Capt. Ted O'Sullivan has been sent home on leave and he thinks he will be here from now on; he expects to get out of the service before January lst. Many officials have already been assigned but there are ea few conference games, and most of the non-conference games, #B@ to be assigned. If you would like to have Ted on your list won't you let me mow at once. Please let me know. just where you want to put him in relation to the men you selected here on August l2th. I have the non-conference games from a few of the schools but need all of them as soon as possible. Feel free to suggest officials for these games if you care to but with the exception of near-by service teams all officials are to be assigned from this office; this is in accordance with instructions given me by the Directors some time ago. We will hold our annual clinic for basketball officials here in Kansas City on December 5rd. Any suggestions you may care to make will certainly be appreciated. I wish it were possible to meet with you before the season opens, but that will be imposs~ ible. If you have some definite criticisms to make of the officiating you received last year we would be glad to get it. Each one of you have definite ideas of how a basketball game should be worked; if we could only get a composite picture of this it would be of immense value to all officials. Since this can't be done,the next best thing id to have expressions fopm each of you and then interpret them in teerms of what the book says. Best of luck to all of you thruout the season Sincerely yours, K2neo R. Ee. Peters