October 12, 1944. Mr. Me FP. Ahearh, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhatten, Kansas. Dear Mike: _ T am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have written to Bruce Dreke. Since Bruce will not be in on our 22nd and 23rd games I am hoping that he will take the initiative in working out the 15th and 16th. I will be glad to help him in every way possible. I reesived a letter from Frosty Cox stating, “I was in hopes that it wuld be possible for us to accept the dates of December 22nd and 23rd to play in Kansas City. I checked with Captain Roberts, asada V-12 officer, and he informs ne that we will have to stay within the forty-eight hour rule. Since our last game was to be played on Saturday and we could return by Sun- day morning, I thought they would be more lenient with this rule but it seems that it is a thot potato’ and the only safe way for the commanding officer is to stay within it. I am wondering if it would be possible for us to play in Kansas City on any one date, say December 22nd, or December 23rd. If we could do this it means that ws can satisfy the Navy requirement but realize this presents management problems. If such a thing would work out, I wuld appreo- iate your letting me kmow at your earliest convenience as we have @ conference basketball sehedule mpeting coming up October 16th." iI have written Prosty Galiiing Wakshs Gave he wedia prefer, the 22nd or 25rd, but I thought Colorado would be 4 stronger draw- ing card on the 23rd. Then if we can get somebody to f111 in on the 22nd, Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas can go ahead with their plans and use Colorado and one other team to fill in for the fourth member. If you have any suggestions at any time please ee ee eS ee oe eee nee everybody will be happy. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.