December 5, 1944. Mr. Porrest B. Cox, Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. — Dear Frosty: 5 elk ketenes eens tebdieed abies whats te wanted glass or wooden backboards., His thought was that in case our games attract a large sale of seats at the end of the court, that glass backstops would add te spectator enjoy- mont. So I thought that the spectators might think we had not been mindful of them if we put up wooden boards. — Therefore, Se ee naan Peute slane a to them. I believe we are going to have a nice crowd. George Edwards thought he might not be able to give you a real battle, but now he is fearful because Dan Pippin, their star SS SO, Aneta Ale Se pee | If there is anything that I can do to aid in the relationship of ou tou, — let me know, Direotor of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach.