BASKETBALL SQUAD OCTOBER, 1944 Name High School or College Residence Coach Odd Williams Culver Mil. Acad. Lawrence Russ Oliver Bob Coleman Lee Talley Elmer Lattimer Clifford LeFromboise W. I. Androes— Gammill, C. C. Dick, n De Gowdy, Rex D. Seiad Bi Durbin Orval J. Kaufman Crossno, R. BE. Pyle, Fe. de Thorne, L. F. Conley, T. M. Dale Corder nerl Strong R. EB. Smith - Joseph Carlson Owen Peck Bob Sellers Richard Nichols Geldard UH. Woerner William Heald Van Horn, Keith Alpine H, S. McKinley H. 8S. Algona H. S. Marty, S.D., H.S. Newton, Kansas Steamboat Spgs. Ottewa H. 5., Ottawa U. Plymouth HS, Burns H. S. Moundridge H. S. Central K. C. Macksville, Ks. Kalama H. S. Fresno State Welda High Nashville High Rosedale Army Junior College Bartlesville H. S. Paola H. S. Central H.S, Denver ElDorado H.S. Alpine, Tex. Mound City, Ill. Algona, Ia. Belcourt, N.D. Steamboat Spgs. Colo. Ottawa, Ks. Plymouth, Nebr. Burns, Ks. Moundridge, Ks. K. Ce Mo. Beloit, Ks. Kalama, Wash. Fresno, Calif. Welda, Kans. Nashville, Ks. K. &. Ke Univ. Montana Ke Gy Ke Bartlesville, Ok. Paola, Kansas K. C, Mo. Denver, Colo ElDorado, Ks. Jor Jardon Ed Charles Payton Cain S. W. Frey Doug Keefer Ev. Chesney, C.U. Chet Devenport Allan Bennett (Doane, Brice Durbin H. Roy Brown | (Mose’ Stucky) Dimple Coywood Simmons Anderson Ross Barndt Joe Maddox é } “3 y * Art Lawrence Marion Wools CG. C, Custer (K.U.) Carnie Smith Brank Guemple A tinnnctmennicseanssieanail ig “oe Laverne Eddy Garfield » Kans. Harry Parker (Emp. Tehrs. ) Paul Ott Lamont H. 5.. Lamont, KS. C. We Rice | Charles Froon Frankfort H.S. Vermillion, Ks. G. W. Krionderis Everett Hill Lawrence H. S. Lawrence L. R. Perry | Guy Ashcraft Osage City HS. Dick Barnes Bob ivoes Peabody High Buck Astle Jim Sages Ward High © - Tom Dorney 4 Chuck Aylward Rockhurst High Godfrey Kobets | Rockhurst College Lew Lane Frank Korber Bern High | Bern, Ks. Paul Groeb Herb Heim Immaculata. : Lenvenieorth Joe Murphy Bob Lent Garfield High Garfield, Ks. © A. E. Drake Charles Sharp : Miltonvale High Miltonvale, Ks. Dick Lee (C. of B,) James Mullen L.T.H.S. LaGrenge, Ill. Robert Driver North Side Ft. Wayne, Ind. _ ee lk ee “ arene Feceuai ere ae 7 — — * t { ° t ' 8 * ¥ | c | * | * . - I ? i i ~ i 5 7 B { ) : December 6, 1944. Mr. Melvin J. Binford, Acting Director of Athletics, I an sorry that it will not be possible for to schedule @ game with your team this season. us Our boys are very young and inexperienced, and we have out our schedule down considerably. I trust that at some time in the future after wie seer eae play your Simp. Thank you for asking UBe Very sincerely yours, FCA: AH THE MUNICIPAL UNIVERSITY OF WICHITA WICHITA 6, KANSAS December 4, 1944 Mr, Forrest C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Would it be possible for you to bring your Kansas University basketball team to Wichita for a game with the University of Wichita sometime this season? We have an all civilian team made up of just youngsters. However, we will be better than average in that class, and would like to bring you for a game to be played at the Forun. If you have ean opening on your schedule I shall be. glad to hear from you. Best personal regards. Sincerely yours, | , : (Loe : woofer Melvin J. Binford, ” Acting Director of Athletics. MJB /nmf December 5, 1944. Lt. E. S. Hickey, USNR, U. S. Naval Air Station, Ottumwa, Iowa. Dear Eddie: I am sorry that we are cutting dow greatly on our games with service teams. I wish it might be possible to play your boys, but I am afraid not under the conditions. Our youngsters are very immature, and while we piayed better than twenty-five games last year, I think we are playing only sixteen this year. : I do wish you lots of luck, and when the war is over we will be glad to see you at your old stand. With all good wishes, I am ‘ sinewraly yours, ee Director of Physical Education, . | PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION OTTUMWA, IOWA 4 November 1944 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen Basketball Goach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Docs Do you suppose there will be any possibility of working out a game for our team in Kansas City or Lawrence? If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly ap- preciated. Could you play here on your Golumbia trip? Best wishes, Si ely yours, ides BE, 5. HICERY Lieut., USNR Exec. Officer Cadet Regt. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION OTTUMWA, IOWA October 20, 1944 Dr. Forrest Cc. Alien Basketball Goach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc; Ihave just had the. good fortune. of. being bact pack as basketball coach for our Varsity team. The nature of train- ing here does not permit an extensive program, However, we are most anxious to add to the present tentative schedule, If you have any open dates, I should greatly & appreciate your considering games with us. If we are too late Rove ine eluded in your schedule, perhaps you could offer some sug gestion, | Would it be possible to be included in any tentative plana pee the auditorium at Kansas City? With very best wishes and looking forward to an early reply, 1 am ially yours, fhe Be 8. HICKEY Lieut. USNR EXec, ‘Oftioee Cadet Regt. Novenber 2, 1944. Eire Ae O- Duer, — of Basketball, rge Pepperdine College, mis W. 79th Street, Los Angeles 44, California. Dear Coach Duer: Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGE 1121 WEST SEVENTY-NINTH STREET LOS ANGELES 44, CALIFORNIA October 25, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thank you very much for your letter of October 19th with reference to our playing in the Municipal Auditorium on December 22nd. We appreciate your offer very much and are sorry we did not write you sooner as we would have been very glad for the opportunity of playing on both Friday and Saturday nights. We are planning on leaving Los Angeles about the i2th of December and are anticipating games with Colorado College, Denver University, Washburn and possibly Utah while on the way to Kansas City. We consider it an honor to be able to participate with teams of your high quality and feel that the arrangements regarding financial con- sideration are very satisfactory. We would appreciate an early confirmation with reference to these games as we are making reservations for transportation at this time. Thanking you again for your consideration, I remain, Sincerely yours, 2 A. O. Duer Head, Athletic Department Coach of Basketball AOD/np October 19, 1944. Mr. A. 0. Duer, Coach of Basketball, George Pepperdine College, 1121 West 79th St., Los Angeles 44, Calif. Dear Coach Duer: We have a set up in the Mmicipal Auditorium in Kansas City for December 22 and 25 with Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas playing double headers each night, but we have arranged for the University of Colorado to come in on December 25, Saturday night. We doubtless could use you on Friday, December 22. You would play one of the three teams, the other two playing each other in the double header. On Saturday night we would use Colorado in that spot as we have previously agreed. I am sorry that we did not hear from you earlier because we could have used you both Friday and Saturday nights to have com- pleted our foursome. With your plans for the Oklahoma City trip and your appearance in Kansas City, I believe it would not be difficult — for us to arrange another game for you somewhere in this territory. The arrangement that we have with these teams playing is that they shall pay their ow expenses and the out will be four ways after the rental of the hall is taken care of. Colorado is coming in under that basis. Would you be willing to do the same? It has always been our experience with Kansas and Missouri P in a foursome that they have done exceptionally well, and I believe all teams would come in for a good out. Would you be willing to entertain this idea? | | Sincerely yours, So Director of Physical Education, - POA Varsity BasketbellCoach. GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGE 1121 WEST SEVENTY-NINTH STREET LOS ANGELES 44, CALIFORNIA October 12, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Coach of Basketball Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"™: We are surveying the possibility of a trip back through that section during the Christms holidays and would like very much to include your team on our schedule. We are anticipating the possibility of the Oklahoma City tournament. Our Christmas holidays begin December 9th and end the early part of January and we would appreciate hearing from you re- garding the possibility of games which would fit with these dates. If two or three dates might be available, we would appreciate your including them so that we may arrange a schedule. Our purpose of such a trip would be two-fold; first, we should like to establish ourselves with teams of your top caliber who might be interested in a trip to the coast some- time; second, we should like to get some early season experience in preparation for our league schedule with SC, UCLA, and others of the Los Angeles area. We would like to pay our expenses but are not interested in financial gain for this trip. If you are interested, would you please suggest a financial arrangement which would be mutually beneficial. Regarding our team, we have a rangy team which I am confident will be able to give a good account of itself with major competition. Our center will form somewhat the nucleus of the team, 6'7" in height, and in his second year of play here. Several other young men are well over 6'. For the past two years we have participated in the tournament at Kansas City; two years in the Intercollegiate, going to the auarter finals in 1943, and representing the coast in the NCAA last year, losing to [owa State. I should be happy to hear from you at your earliest con- venience regarding the possibility of getting together for at least one game. Sincerel 4 A. O. Duer Head, Athletic Department Coach of Basketball AOD/np December 18, 1944. e Mre Ae Je Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. : Dear Lew: Will you please send, at your earliest convenience, the following information for the printed programs to Mr. Joe Jacobson, Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Missouri: names and playing numbers of your team, height and position, as well as information on the coaching personnel? We will be happy to see you next week. Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, FGA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 3, 1944. Mr. A. J. Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Lew: George Biwards and I talked over the phone last night about our games in Kansas City on December 22 and — 23, and thought it would be best to have Colorado play Missouri on Friday night, and Kansas meet Kansas State. Then on Saturday night we will have Nebraska va. Kansas State, and Missouri vs. Kansas. Since there is no possible way to play an elim ination tournament, with winners playing winners, and lesers playing losers, we thought our drawing power would be better by having the Kansas-Missouri game on Saturday night. Missouri has a veteran team back, and we have only er een One nn mers Reaves Peters is arranging for officials and all the other details. I am sure we are going to have a nice tournament, and we welcome you in. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ootober 26, 1944. Mre As de Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. ’ Dear Lew: You will hear from me definitely, but you count on the 23rd. It is swell that you can be with us. . | I was darned glad to seo Kansas win a football game, but I was sincerely sorry to see you lose because you have really taken a beating and you have been a swell sport about it. -W4th all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS —_———_ OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 25, 1944. ’ Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Thanks for your letter of October 23 explaining the basketball situation in Kansas City. Plan on the University of Nebraska playing December 23 in Kansas City. We will make up the fourth with Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas as opposition. We cannot be there on the 22nd because we are playing Minnesota here that night. In regard to the football victory, Kansas won the ball game and I don't begrudge you the victory, except that I am awfully tired of losing games. With best wishes, I am Very trxuly yours, ers, A. J. Lewandowski Basketball Coach IE aaa Ss reer dL gi October 23, 1944. Mr. Ae J e Lewandowski, Athletic Director, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Lew: I dislike to bother you when you are busy with your — football tean, but I ie possibly you might want to play in Kansas City on December 23. We (Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas) are play ing on the 22nd and 23rd. ee We have arranged for Frosty's University of Colorado team to come on the 23rd because they cannot get away for two dates. He possibly could come on the 22nd if you could come on the 23rd. | My angle in asking you is to get four Big Six teans, if possible, uder the tent in one evening. Cliff Rock has written regarding his Denver teem and he wants to get in on the foursome. and then George Pepperdine College wrote saying they were making a trip, so this morning I called George Edwards and asked which outfit he would rather play. | ; Now, to be perfectly frank with you, Lew, I don't want to talk you into something that you do not want to get into. We can get Denver and Colorado to fill the foursome this year, but you know I have always tried to get all of the Big Six teams together. If you would like to come on the 23rd I will see if Frosty can chenge his date to the 22nd, and that means that Denver and Pepperdine would be out. won't you write me at four earliest convenience? And do not feel that we are trying to talk you into something. Frenkly, if you do not want to come we can make it out this year, but we hope next year that we can plan to have all eix Big Six achools in on a week-end tournament in Kansas City. We will make as much on those games as we will make all season in ofr early games. I am confident that we will pack the hall each night. Someone suggested that we get a Rocky Mountain — Conference team and a Big Ten team to complete an eight-team tournament . My, what a dandy that would be! ! I was sorry to see you devoid of so much material, but of course no one could deny that the viotory for Kansas, even though Zo we caught you very short, would be helpful for the sport. Just think, since 1896 Kensas has not beaten Nebraska on Kansas Field, although in 1920 when I coached the team and Henry Schulte was coaching Nebraska, we came back after a 20 - 0 score against us to tie them up, and to cap it all we missed the last goal for a touchdom. But we built the stad- ium on the strength of that game. So after all, those things happen, don't they, Lew? It was good to see youe Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN . DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS —— Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": I have your letter of October 12. . Thanks very much for the opportunity to play in Kansas City. However, you will note by the enclosed schedule that I play Iowa U on the 16th and Minnesota on the 22nd. I will have to forego the pleasure of meeting you guys but I will let you tear m e to pieces in 1946. If you need further information, I will be in Lawrence Saturday. With best wishes, I am Very A. J Lewandowski Sketball Coach yours, Enel. 10 THE JAYHAWK GRIDSTER The University of Nebraska 1944 Football Squad No. 55 54 45 13 34 43 40 28 19 0 48 32 20 46 26 25 36 11 49 51 58 12 56 15 57 35 53 42 53 60 i7 52 38 39 37 30 22 23 47 Al 21 44 29 25 50 27 18 Name Abdnor, James Berkey, Duane Berquist, William J Betz, William J Bryant, Jack Buckley, Winton Burroughs, Robert Collopy, Junior Colerick, Lyle Dedrick; Jack « Dermann, Kenneth. Doyle, Keith Ebers, Merle Y Freese, Harold Fritzel, Lloyd Gradoville, Edward ~ Grove, Robert Grundmann, Allen Hazard, Frank Hollins, Kenneth { Johnson, John Kasdan, Bernard Kenyon, Francis Kessler, Joe ~ Knight, Charles Koenig, Robert Kops, Lyle Kovanda, Keith J Lamberty, Richard Lorenz, Fred McCulla, Herbert Major, Ralph Martz, Stanley Mauser, Murl Mountford, Roger Nelson, Douglas Xx J Ostenberg, Clive Perdew, William ~ Pegler, Don Peterson, Charles Pollat, Bruce Price, Bernard Scoville, Robert Selzer, John J 4 Stein, Kenneth Stevenson, John Strahan, Jim Strickland, Ed “The Official Watch for Timing Today’s Game is Longines — The World’s Most Honored Watch.” Bi i Home Kennebec, S. C. Davenport Lexington Lincoln - Tekamah York Beatrice Scottsbluff Alliance Sidney Nebraska City Curtis Seward Lincoln DeSmet, S. D. Plattsmouth Omaha Nebraska City Sioux City, Ia. Valley Norfolk Yankton: S. D: Callaway Seward Lincoln Yankton, S. D; Bassett Ord Fremont Lincoln Lincoln Culbertson Tyannis Big Springs Davenport Wausa Scottsbluff Lincoln Hastings Omaha Cozad Hastings Hartington Scottsbluff Bloomfield Scottsbluff Wayne Plattsmouth Position Tackle Center Guard Back Halfback Back Back Fullback End Quarterback Guard-End Center Center Center Halfback End-Back Tackle Guard Guard Fullback Tackle Guard Fullback Back Back End Tackle Tackle Halfback Tackle End Tackle Guard Back Fullback Halfback Center Guard Halfback Tackle Tackle Tackle End-Back Left Halfback End Guard End Tackle W eight 214 210 174 180 165 180 180 170 170 185 160 185 cs 155 160 165 175 165 185 205 Za 220 174 185 170 175 190 175 170 190 175 185 185 170 175 170 170 158 165 190 210 180 171 158 185 165 162 185 Age 19 18 18 17 17 18 17 17 17 18 17 19 “2 17 18 16 22 17 22 18 17 17 21 20 17 17 17 18 20 25 17; 17 20 17 i/ 17 by 17 Wy 17 17 18 16 17 17 17 17 17 Exp. Oo OOO S.0O OO © COC © © OO O'S; @-O oO OH 2:0: CO OO SN. OO OC Oo a SS CO Oi O40 a Oo Oe KANSAS UNIVERSITY PROBABLE STARTERS LH Moffett 77 LT Lo! 63 Le Riegle 15 22 Zimmerman, g 23 Morton, e 24 Twente, b 25 Brecheisen, e 26 Spencer, t 27 Coupe, b 29 Gove, g 32 Knuth, b 36 Etheridge, b 37 Starks, b 39 Bright, g 40 Sutherland, b 41 Welch, b 43 Mische, t 44 Schimenz, e 45 Williams, b 46 Langford, c 47 Miller. b 48 Casteix, b LG G Keller FB Barrington 70 QB Robison 62 Hird 83 SQUAD LIST 50 Danneberg, b 51 Newton, e 52 Stockdale, g 53 Reynolds, e 54 Pendleton, g 55 Weatherby, b 56 Endecott, b 57 Daigneault, e 58 Gregory, b 59 Bradley, e 60 Nims, b - 61 Cantrell, t 62 Robison, b 63 Rouse, t 64+ Collins, b 65 Chestnut, b 66 Day, g 67 Dreher, g 68 Beryin, b 84 RG Dreher 67 RH Faulkner 79 RT RE Hunter Schimenz 44 69 Lamkin, t 70 Barrington, b 71 Bailey, t 72 Short, b 73 Daum, g 74 Chase, ¢c 75 Riegle,e 77 Moffett, b 78 Hunter, t 79 Faulkner, b 80 Bird, g 81 Brown, b 83 Hird, c 84 Keller, g 85 Long, t 87 Wyele, t $8 Buchter, t 99 Stanton, c Hawley, b t Ootober 12, 1944. Mr. A. J. Lewandowski, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Lew: I have forgotten just what date you are open or closed on your pre-Christmas schedule. I have been designated by the Big Six boys interested in the Kensas City games to arrange a foursome. And hoping that you might fill in on one of these games, at least for one night, I am writing you. On the 16th of December Bruce Drake's Oklahome team and the Iowa Seahawks will play half a double-header. I think we have By Shelton and maybe Arkansas to fill in, but we are not eure of Arkansas. I am asking Bruce Drake to take it up with Arkansas as he is well acquainted in that region. On the 22nd and 23rd of December, Missouri, Kansas State and Kansas are playing double-headers each night but we need a fourth member. Frosty Cox of Colorado is interested in coming in one of those nights, but with a Navy outfit he can make only one night. I have asked him to give m his preference on which night he would like to come. ; 3 I am wondering if you could come in either the night of the 15th or 16th, or could you come in the night of the 22nd or 23rd. If you could, I believe you would make some money even though you made a trip dow from Lincoln for the one night. Per- sonally, I am not plaming to enter Kansas on the 15th or 16th, because some of the brothers might think that we were pushing ow entry too rapidly. Lots of good luck to you, Lew. I will be seeing you the 2lst of October. Vag Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Edueation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. CLASS OF SERVICE Oy \ \ } E S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate a ja DL =Day Letter pone ewe Keo NL =Nighe Lae ee tae | INION =i symbol above or pre- : NLT =Cable Night Letter A. N. WILLIAMS Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT ey The filing time shown i in the date line on telegrams and day “ee is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time oir STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ 16 Nt Mor wy rm hie DR i LS i= ceding the address. CJ2 AM 7 40 aes ‘ — } PD=G = GARDEN City KANS 1a TELEPHONED TO . : as (“ ee FL, epemmpeie TIME / —> <<, BY ccm: y a THE COMPANY WILE APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE denuary 3, 1945. Mr. Reaves Peters, Kanses City, No. Dear Reaves: ‘fed ic all right. Why nen.te not have Selsingart Although he in a. Kansas State man, 1 still would like to use him. I find that I would much rather cet these men whe work in high school games because they will call a foul. I just don't want Cacil Peterson because I think he never will be a good official. I have just struck him off my list for the future because I think he officiates from the outside of the skin rather than the inside of judgnent. ; Eddie Hogue is 0.K., and so would Max Roper be, but I believe thet Meisinger would be better. I will take the responsibility so far as I am coneerned in his being a Konsas State mn. , What about Perke Carroll? Did he get back to Kansas City? If you do not want to use Meisinger at Manhattan on February 16th, that is 0.K., but let's use him at Lawrence. There id nobody here that imows he is from Kansas State, and I don't think it will effect him. If we could use Parke Carroll at Manhattan it would be fine. Max Koper, of Lincoln, will be all right et Manhattan. let me know what you think. Whet about this tall, light-haired boy from Topeka - Pager? He worked some of the clinic games at Hutchinson. ‘thy don't we try hin? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:All \ Varsity Basketball Coach. University of Nebraska Lincoln’ University of Oklahoma Norman University of Missouri Columbia "Pe, WF, 6, Alon Coach Fritz Knorr Gentlemen: Office of University of Kansas Commissioner of Officals Lawrence B: Si Kansas State College 8 5 Manhattan Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Iowa State College 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Ames KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI December 30th 194 4 I have Ted O'Sullivan for your game at Lawrence on Jan. 30 and Lance for the game in Manhattan on Feb. 16. Neither official can work on the other date. Your third choice at the Aug. meeting was Meisinger, but Since he is a Kansas State man I rather use someone else if it is agreeable with you. I imagine that I can get Eddie Hogue, Cecil Peterson,Max Roper of Lincoln or any number of college officials in this area. However, I think one of the above three would be better. Will you kindly let me know about this right away. Sincerely yours, Res <2 R. E. Peters Office of dniversity of Nebraska Commissioner of Officals University of Kansas Lincoln Big Six Lawrence University ef Oklahoma Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Kansas State College Norman 342 Ses Chelsea Avenue | Manhatten University d@ Misseuri Kangas City, Missouri Iowa State College Colunbia Ames December 12th he 1944 Coach Drs By Ce Allen Here are the officials assigned for your games to dates | Conference Games Date Games Officials Jan, 5 Kensas @ Columbia Van Reen, (Lance or Cberheluan) Jame 12 Nebraska @ Lawrence Oberhelman, Evans (7) Jame 20 Kansas @ Norman Lance, Hogue Jane 27 Tew. State @ Lawrence Oberhelman, Lance Jane 30 Kansas State @ Lawrence Feb. 10 Kansas @ Lincela Reper, Oberhelman Febe 13 Oklahoma @ Lawrence Lance, Hegue Fabs 16 Kansas @ Manhattan Lance Febe 24 Missouri @ Lawrence Oberhelman, Lance Mare 2 Kansas @ Ames Carroll, Knox le Dec. 8 Washburn ©® Lawrence O'Sullivan, Weedard Hepe that the above meets with your hearty appreval, Sincerely yours, (signed) Reaves | Re Ee Peters The officbals for the games here on the 2223 are Lance and Oberhelmane Office of University of Nebrasim Commissioner of Officals University ef Kansas Lincoln 3 Big Six Lawrence University of Oklahem tiidbdecdieciete Athletics Conference Kansas State College Nerman $42 So. Chelsea Avenve Manhattan University ¢ Missouri Kangas City, Missouri Iowa State College Columbia — ; 2 : Ames | December 12th 1944 Coach Dre Fs Ge Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansis Deay Does Hove are the officials assigned fer your games to dates Conference Games Date Games | Officials Jone 6 Kansas §é§ @ Columbia Von Reen, (lance or Gberhelua) Jane 12 Nebraska @ Lawrence Oberhelman, Evans (7) Jan, 20 Kansas @ Norma Lance, Hogue Jane 27 Iowa State @ lawrence | Oberhelman, Lance Jan» 50 Kansas State © Lawrence | Febe 10 Zansas @ Lineeln ae Oberhe lman Febe 15 Oklahoma @ Lawrence Lance, logue 2 Febe 16 Kansas ® Manhatten Lance Febe 24 “Assouri @ Lawrence Oberhelman, Lance Mare 2 Kansas @ Ames : Carrell, Knox le Deece & Washburn @ Lawrence O'Sullivan, Weedard Hope that the above meets with your hearty approval, Sincerely yours, (signed) Reaves Ry Ee Peters : The officbals for the games here on the nat ies Sones ent Oberhelmane