November 3, 1944. Mr. A. J. Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Lew: George Biwards and I talked over the phone last night about our games in Kansas City on December 22 and — 23, and thought it would be best to have Colorado play Missouri on Friday night, and Kansas meet Kansas State. Then on Saturday night we will have Nebraska va. Kansas State, and Missouri vs. Kansas. Since there is no possible way to play an elim ination tournament, with winners playing winners, and lesers playing losers, we thought our drawing power would be better by having the Kansas-Missouri game on Saturday night. Missouri has a veteran team back, and we have only er een One nn mers Reaves Peters is arranging for officials and all the other details. I am sure we are going to have a nice tournament, and we welcome you in. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.