CLASS OF SERVICE Oy \ \ } E S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate a ja DL =Day Letter pone ewe Keo NL =Nighe Lae ee tae | INION =i symbol above or pre- : NLT =Cable Night Letter A. N. WILLIAMS Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT ey The filing time shown i in the date line on telegrams and day “ee is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time oir STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ 16 Nt Mor wy rm hie DR i LS i= ceding the address. CJ2 AM 7 40 aes ‘ — } PD=G = GARDEN City KANS 1a TELEPHONED TO . : as (“ ee FL, epemmpeie TIME / —> <<, BY ccm: y a THE COMPANY WILE APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE