September SO, 1944. Mr. Bruce Drake, Basketball Coach, University of Oklahom., Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Bruce: Thanks for your good letter of the 27th instant. Great Lakes is not permitted to play in this territory because it is out of their domain. We had a game scheduléd with them last year and they were forced to cancel it. Go ahead and get Ohio State or anyone else to play you. I think it would be a fine thing, only the item of expense would doubtless take most. of the: profit, but I believe the drawing card would perhaps justify the long trip. You will understand we do not guarantee an outfit's expenses. Bach fellow is allowed his traveling expenses based on the equitable travel of all four teams, but perhaps Ohio State might want a guarantee when we play in Kansas City. As you kmow, each team is allowed their pro rata share of expenses in accordance with the distance traveled. And the hotel rates are, of course, equalized for all. We have never underwritten any _ expenses, so Ohio State might not desire to come. I would be gled if you would turn promoter inasmuch as I have run out of possibilities. Ev Shelton wants to come in on the 15th. He might be persuaded to come the 15th and 16th, and if we could get the Seahawks in for a couple of games then the only difficulty would be in getting your team for both nights. If you do not like this, Bruce, why don't you go ahead _and arrange an opponent for Oklahoma on the 16th, and we will play the Sea- hawks. ‘That will close up the 16th to your satisfaction as we previously agreed upon, and then if you do not like the idea of playing two games we will try to fill in for the 15th with some other foursome, as the hall is engaged for the 15th and 16th, and the 22nd and 25rd. Let me know at yow convenience. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Hiucation, FCA :AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.