TOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA Sept 6, 1943. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Dr. F. C. Alien Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Qur athletic council meets Wednesday of this week | to decide as far as Iowa State is concerned two points: lst.-to play a full round robin schedule, with five sep-_ arate trips for the road games, or 2d-play such conference games as we can schedule. Roughly, the second alternative would be about like this, try to schedule home and home games with Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri, because of the distance not try to schedule Oklahoma, and as to Kansas State, Veenk seems to think there is a possibility that Kansas State will not have a team. If our council adopts the first alternative for Iowa State, I will write you and the other coaches and see if we can meet Sunday, Sept. 19th. If our council adopts the second alternative there woould be no reason for me to attend a meeting, as we could arrange our schedule by mail. In any event I will write you Thursday to let you. know where we. stand. ee Sifcerely, Re ne ee ie ate Sa ees Ee ee ee Pan 2 ae gas _ \Basketball Coach LM/SM P. 5S. L talked with the executive officer of the V-12 this morning about the possibility of the Navy waiving the 48 hr. off campus rule. He felt there was not much of.a chance for this to be changed, as. it was a point of discussion at a recent meeting that he attended in the east.