© ADVISORY BOARD JOHN C. GROVER MAIN ARENA oe 12,000 seating capacity ; Chairman | MUSIC HALL Oe Chadian 2,572 seating capacity H. e BONING, JR. LITTLE THEATRE Aon. we 600 seating capacity COMMITTEE ROOMS (19) seating capacities 25 to 75 HARRY M. GAMBREL R. CROSBY KEMPER DORMAN H. O'LEARY HARRY H. WELSH, JR. MARTHA FRANKLIN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ‘ KANSAS See eh 5 LOUIS -G--LOWER=Direetor C. B. HOFF,=Axss’t Director — JAS —H: NIXON; Freeserer August 27,1943, Dr.Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen: I regret that you feel as you do regarding the situation that Came up on our basketball date. However, I would like for you to under- stand that income, from a convention of the type which I mentioned, is absolutely nothing. We merely put this convention on as a civic service and the Auditorium pvays the bills. This is one of my duties as Director and when such conflicting dates occur there is nothing much more I can do then try to make satisfactory arrangements with all concerned. I have talked with the International Secretary of the Boilermakers Union and have arranged to have the convention move out of the Arena early enough Saturday afternoon, February Sth, to assure you that the court will be in readiness for the K.U.-Great Lakes game on scheduled time, so you may continue your schedule as previously erranged, Yours trul Clarence Efy Di CBH: EH CC: Lt.Paul D,Hinkle.,