U. S. NAVY PRE-FLIGHT SCHOOL IOWA CITY, IOWA 235 September 1943 Dr. Forrest Allen Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Just a few lines relative to the proposed basketball game between Kansas University and the Iowa Seahawks for February 5 at Kansas City. It will be possible for us to make the trip. The details involved will have to be arranged by Lt, | Gomdr. H. d. Harman, our Athletic Director, and You. 1 would like to suggest that you write to him in the near future concerning final arrangements. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you and your fellow "Big 6" coaches for the hospitable manner in which you ellowed me to sit in on your meeting of September 19. Cordially yours, OUI PLS fi) O. M. NORDLY~ ‘ Lieut., USNR