ALFRED LAWRENCE MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS JUDE ANDERSON CHIEF OF POLICE April 26-1939 Mr. Forest 0. Alien Director of Physical Education; Kansas University. Dear Doctor Allen; today sour letter of explanation also of pol- I received ite protest regarding the towing of cars off Miss. 5St. on last Saturday while the Kansas Relays were in prog- ress. t } inst of all I wiah to thank you very muci tor tne ma- r in which you make such a protest this is indeed Qqoo t O ppreicated as your letter was of unsual high class riticisim regarding this matter, - wish to state fully at this time the reasons for the removing of several cars from this particular location. Due to the fact “ips this was at a slight curve in the treet it does at this point constitute a blockade of ertain Traffic when cars are parked on bogh sidea@ of he Street which was the case in this instance while n the strait portion of the Street the traffic is able o clear by taking due caution, OO ce erie I was present myself at this location when one of the new City Buses became stalled as the new Buses are of sreater width then the old type; It was necessary to move some of the parked cars at this point and my rea- son for removing them to a garage was so they would be in safe keeping for the owners as any other parking space near by at this time was not: yeilable. I further wish to admit that it was no doubt an over- sight on my part for not having this particular point marked and put to much trust in the hands of the public of which was my mistake.