October 1, 1943. Mr. Clarence B, Hoff, Director, Municipal Auditoriun, Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Mr. Hoff: Thank you for your kind letter of September 30th. Iam writing to Lou Lane asking what date he would suggest. I believe we could play Rookhurst over there, and then later have a return game here at Lawrence. It seems now that it will be impossible to get the Big Six double-header, so we will have to have single dates. Nebraska could not play on the 10th and llth of Decenber, but Kansas and Oklahoma will play a single date in Kansas City, and we may be able to work in some high school games as curtain-raisers as we did last year. So I will be glad if you will hold the llth and 18th of Decenber for us. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.