November 30, 1943. Mr. Reaves E. Peters, 542 So. Chelsea, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: T am sending you a sohedule of games, but just this morning chauged at Lewrence from Pebruary 1 to January 31. I told him that we would play on February 2 to eascommodate him, so that is still up in the air. He writes me about officials and suggests Mike Ober- helman and Ceeil Peterson. Glince this is another war year and since we are playing so many service teans I believe it would be much better for us to arrange our officials than to have you go to all that trouble. You handle the officials for the Conference games, but I believe the non-confer- Se ee then. For instance, it is possible tat in our Rockhurst game we may get the seme officials to work the college and high sehool games. “his hasn't been done as yet, but I see no reason why we should not save money where it is possible. What do you think ebout it? We ere pleming to use some of the officers here in some of our service FeMes e Our progpeots are very uncertain as we never have the same line up twiee, but I believe we will get ironed out a little later. In your postscript you state that Lance has been assigned for our gemes with Olclahoma Aggies. This postscript must have been intended for Bruce Drake as we are not playing the Aggies this year et all, and perhaps won't due to thet unfortunate situation on the Lawrence court last vear. Te Wide concunaeeen’ ee AeCiinta Rien wk wks ee heh oe ee ek we will try to cooperate with you, but economy is the watchword end I think we oan hendle it better this way witil the war is over. Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.