NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS President Asa S. BUSHNELL Secretary-Treasurer Artuur R. HutTcHENs Eastern Intercollegiate REAvES E. PETERS Southern and Southeastern Football Association Big Six Conference Conference ArtuHur E. EILers — ha Missouri Valley Conference James W. St. Cua Pacific Coast Conference Joun L. GRIFFITH Southwest Conference Intercollegiate Conference (Big Ten) Nov, 8th. 19 4 3 Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: won't you please list the following officials in the order of your preference for games at Lawrence, and add any othere that you care to: Lance, John Pittsburg, Kansas Brown, Roy Kansas City, Mo. Claude Cochran " e . Hess, Edwin ’ y , House, Louis : " , Hogue, Ed a " tt Oberhelman,Mike Randolph, Kansas Peterson, Pete Topeka, Kansas Meisenger, Bill Topeka, Kansas Fager, Maurice Topeka, Kansas Hinshaw, Abb Kansas City, Mo. Kopelk, Carl McPherson, Kansas Hinkhouse, Darrell Beloit, Kansas I am going to hold a clinic for basketball officials here the | first week-end in De cember and it will be necessary that I have your response to this right away. I am asking that all men that are ass igned to games in the B ig Six attend this clinic; any other official that cares to may attend. Sincerely yours, Keav+s R. E. Peters P.S. Please return McDermott's letter and tell me what you think about using him at Ames. Of course Louie does not know anything about him. In general I would say that the _ hae Eastern officials do not go so well out here but you may think differently. | on y PGC SS ae at Casal) Conua Ye ea RES FE ae ee cS as laieta Meo oie