May 13, 19396 _ We are looking for a man between the ages of 28 and 55 yearse Sane of the qualifications we desire in the type of individual we hope to find are a background in biological seiencss, ability to develop teacher training, or to do origiml research worke I thought that perhaps the retrenchment progran of some of the larger city schools, due to their failure to collect sufficient taxes, might enable us to pick up a promise ing young man that might be forced out of the upper bracket | due to a cut personnel. I can ) that our comparative financial poverty, when we consider the seaboard states, does not render us with ability pick out the best men at times, or at least to lift then from other schools. L If you know of a young man with the qualifications that I mentioned, I woulé appreciate your writing me at your early conveniences a With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coach.