GENE A. HOWE . CARL J. G. BROWN PAUL ALLINGHAM a q President Editor Business Manager ‘4 FOUNDED BY E.W.HOWE 1877 Ske NTGHISON DAILY GLOBE CHARTER MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE REPORTS ATGHISON, KANSAS WH March 9, 1939 ns : Dr. F. OG. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have been requested to extend an invitation to you to be the principal speaker at a banquet which will be given here the evening of April 20 in honor of the 14 junior teams which have competed in the 1938-39 Atchi- son Church league. Due to the efforts of several men, including Evan Ton- Sing, a former member of the Atchison Globe staff, the league this year has been especially successful and the interest has been kept at a high pitch. The league is composed of both Protestant and Catholic teams. It is planned to have a city-wide ticket drive on tick- ets for the banquet and to make it a real affair. Awards and trophies will be given the winning teams. If you can come the committee would like to have you choose your own subject as they believe you would know best what the youngsters should hear. If you have April 20 taken the committee would be glad to arrange a date to suit your convenience. They would, however, prefer to hold the banquet during the week of April 17-22. Hoping that you can be with us, and with highest ae regards, I am Sincerely yours, a fe oette Mee” sepals EIGHTH IN KANSAS IN CIRCULATION - -- OVER 28,000 READERS