t: 3 : * ay, ; = ie _K. U. News Bureau ~ | ' _&. W. Davidson, Dir, q ‘ ¢ ” é é : Lawrence, Dee, -=Dr, Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, perennial producer of © champions at the University of Kansas, ans last year rated by the Helms = Foundation as the nation’s Number 1 basketball coach, has been chuckling for a week over the digcomfiture of Nat Holman, basketball coach of — i the College of the City of New York, after the recent defeat of C. Cz N. Yo. at the hands of the OkRahoma A, & M. quintet,. j Prof. Holnan is dead set against raising the basketball nei from ten to twelve feet, ling one of Dr, Aklen's pet proposals to improve the Gage sport. So when Coach Hank Iba invaded Madison Square Garden with a maven foot goal tender in the person of Robert Kurlana, and Mr, Kurlan batted away many sure goals from their destination in addition to scoring ~ seventeen points of his own, Dr, Allen had to chuckle, It wouldn't have — happened, he pointed ~“, had the goals been up where he believes they 4 belong. ; in a letter this week to Ralph Cannon, sports writer for Seenize, commenting on an article to appear in the January issue of the magazine — ai selosing the results of a magaZine poll on the merits of the proposal to raise the goals, Dr, Allen reiterates his arguments in favor of the change, While the public, quizzed by Esquire, favored riainsg the goals, 4 the sportscasters and sports editors contacted, turned thumbs down on the idea, . : = Dr, Allen doubts if ten per cent of the coaches in the nation have ever seen a twelve foot goal, The University of Kansas has had them set up in its gymnasium for. fifteen years for the purpose of teaching the Allen disciples toe art of properly arching the ball, Ane that was one of the contributing factors to the fact that Allen's Jayhakwers twice defeated Hank Iba's quintet last season with Kurland in the line-up bo iia iiss a le ai i Se a aE stairs hi ila SOAS cai a NM a