sume 30, 1942. Mtr. Jemes He Nixon, Manager, Music Hall, Tamicipal faditoriun, : Kansas City, Moe Dear Jimmie: a Your letter of the 29th just received, I am sorry that we aeeeeeen Se ER tor Oe eee Star. I am writing Heury Tha, . sending Oe ee oe ac ae ee eee ee Bae, Wats you so that you my settle — Berl Palkenstien, cur financial secretary, is out on his vacation mtil the 15th of July, but when he returns I will take this mtter up with him and I am eure that there will bea | — en ee Se ee The first time I om in Kansas City I will stop by and say hello to you and all the boys. ‘With every good wish, lon “Sincerely yours, : Dtrector of Physical Raucation, ‘POALAE Varsity Basketball Coachs