To All Big Six Schools November 15, 1942. Sports Publicity Director, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear Sir: Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, POA:AH ° Varsity Basketball Coach. Ootober 22, 19426 Mr. Gwinn Henry, “Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence » Kansas Dear Gwinn: Perhaps this letter is somewhat premature, However, I Wish te aeaquasint you with some vertinent facts relative to the .. feeilities we can previde for your bas ketva ll squad on Mareh 4th, .. Pirst, the PAXTON is win teens and newest hotel ine Oakes It is located two blocks from the heart of the city, there- \ fore, affording a more quiet atmosphere whieh is conducive \to perfect rest. pLrh ayry pe Hpabebed 004 ein? oscypinszon" 28h Mee PURITY fo CTT OF Hes Harry Welsh Correspondence % ie a TOU om beneoursreae.- aes - eug are aon A ouges, scyuree apey yp eeq ep7Tq-ex *- ‘Seev- romeo ~~ - BO — adetag ee fe. | 4 S is! a OQ ® 3 4 Pa ~ od o 3 - & @ oe 3 8 a Qo 3 3 A Angust 26, 1942. lr. Harry Welsh, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. 922 Walnut Street, si Kengas City, Mo. Dear Harrys Zi am sending you a copy of a letter written to me on August 14th by George Edwards. I am also sending you a carbon copy of my reply to him. I believe that I have made it perfectly clear to him that there would have been no reopening of the situation had it not for your initiative. There are some things that I just can't figure ; out. With all good wishes, I am Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. of Hamow! elute, wo uae sain ae Se Seer benseinas le Gor ths should Imow that $% vely of the as fer as was effort paddy that ee a salts te tee th the Herry I did wold be % the invi ay ceed aad’ be of aor which we yours, Pireoter of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache University 2 exper Sa tp rut no Pn I think you ing to you latter of hugs’ 1éth. this thing cent. cccejeed es Bie yi Cs UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI! COLUMBIA Kansas City, Mo. August 14, 1942 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS De. F. C.. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr. Allen: Late this morning I received the following by wire: . Creighton will allow shift in dates. Make plans for 29th and 30th in Kansas City. | Larry Snyder.. A notification of this acceptance was sent to you by telegraph early this afternoon. Thus, all of those involved are ready to accept and to execute the responsibilities made possible by your kind invitation. As host school I presume that you will draw up the necessary contracts. Missouri authorities are ready to sign according to assurance given me by Spurling earlier in the week. I regret very much the near mix-up which arose in regard to Pre-Flight, and am very happy that both Hickey and Snyder cooperated so beautifully. In closing my letter of July 10 I wrote: "Your decision has been accepted; we have gone ahead with other plans; and I hope your games will bring you lots of money." Our other plans consisted of a shift in dates with Pree-Flight in order to permit them to meet Creighton. : When Spurling asked me if I would be willing to accppt your invitation I thought he was joking as your letters were rather emphatic regarding my suggestions. If my own personal feelings had been the sole guide I would have rejected your invitation, but the fact that I still thought the double header plan was a good one for both the competitors and basketball in this area overrode ny personal prejudices and I told Spurling I would like to accept. The subsequent news article made it plain that this is your affair,- and that is proper,= but it also mentioned the participation of Pre-Flight who, I knew, was scheduled for Omaha. Until then it never occurred to me that you would have invited us without knowing that the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA e2e INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS dates were cleared. It was, then, with the desire to be of assistance if possible that I phoned you when I reached Kansas City. The news seemed to surprise you no end. While this is a Kansas affair I,nevertheless, agreed to attempt negotiations with PreeFlight. Larry was very receptive but had already signed a contract with Creighton and we had to await their decision on the request for cancellation of the date. I firmly believe that had you elected to transmit this invitation to me directly instead of making me the third person in the series that none of this friction would have happened. For your information, details concerning basketball at Missouri are handled by me operating under policies and supervision of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. I much prefer handling such matters directly with the responsible party at other institution rather than through alumni, however capable and interested, and the business mgnager. From now mmk and until late in August I am taking my vacation but can be reached at the residence of Dr. F. A. Hummer, 1311 Indiana Ave, phone Benton 7229. If there is any way in which I can be of service to you in these games while in Kansas City I would appreciate notice. Yours truly, George R. Edwards. August 26, 1942. t : Fs \ Mr. Dorman H. O*Leary, . | Viee President, Stern Brothers & Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Dorman: cnr SE it PI * I know you are tired of reading this tripe, but \ after everything was all settled and Missouri had \ agreed, through the interpolations of Harry Welsh, ) it was discovered that George Edwards had without } saying enything to Harry Welsh changed the date of | his game with Pre-Flight School from Janusry 50 to Pebruary 12. . Of course, MeBride had already run it in the ; paper and I told Harry, and Harry agreed with me, that unless Missouri straightened out the situation _ and came in with the lows team there would be nothing | doing. this letter is from Goorge Eamarde after he thinks larry Snyder and Eddie Hickey did a wonderful job in arranging it so George could play as he original agreed upon. reese ‘te tastiest, buh i 8A wont a ee ole story so when you talk to Hatch you would know that somebody is a screwhell. It is not necessary for me to mention any names. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation, FOA :AH . Varsity Basketball Coach. STERN BROTHERS & COMPANY DORMAN H. OLEARY VICE PRESIDENT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI August 13, 1942. Dear Phog: Thank you very much for your letter of the eighth, together with copies of the correspondence. I am glad this matter is arranged and think it was a very happy solution for Hateh Welch to work it out with you. Cer- tainly, George Edwards is an old woman if I ever saw one. Ve Sincerely, meet POA . Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. DHO: AE 5 RP a SRO i meee ‘ ee Ss