AGENCY OF THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY W. VERNE WILKIN, MANAGER 1010 DWIGHT BUILDING PHONE VICTOR 4480 KANSAS CiTy. Mo. Mr. Phog Allen, Athletic Director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Phog: Enjoyed our short visit with you. Wanted to mention something about Peterson's working a game or two for you one of these days, but decided not to as the newspaper reporter was there in the crowd. Working a ball game for you would be a big feather in the young man's hat and I can assure you Peterson would surely appreciate such a break from you. He informed me he did work one of Jack Gardner's games last year. You can be assured that this boy is a very good booster for Forrest Allen. Sincerely, re, W. Verne Wilkin, Manager. Aug. 8, 1942. WVW-g