oy ae | 3 October 22, 1942. VARSITY BASKETBALL MEW: I notice a general lassitude on the part of some of the men who are listed in varsity basketball, Some of you are not showing up, and others are using an excuse that you are studying, The excuse for study goes not when you have coke dates or when you are en intramural athlete or a mezzanine hurdler, but you are supposed to report for varsity basketball ahead of all of these. If aman fools his time away doing other things and then uses the excuse that he has been studying, it will not go with mes Some of you think that you should report for varsity basketball only when you have nothing especially to do but to work outs I changed my basketball practice from Tuesday and Thursday afternoons to Monday and Wednesday nights so that you could participate in intramural touch football, The men who are not out for football the basketball list, if they do not report regularly Monday and nights, will be cut off the list and will not be accepted when the regular practice begins on November 2. We will then practice four or more times per week, Only those men will be taken on the varsity squad who are out for foot- ball, If you fellows who are not out for football do not report now, definitely consider yourselves not of the varsity basketball squad of 19426434 FCAsAH Basketball Coach,