UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS — DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION August 29, 1942. Dear The academic year of 1942-43 takes on a more serious and 4 more sinister meaning for us all. We are now fast realizing that we are in a death struggle with three international gangsters - the square- heads, the slit-eyes, and the spaghetti-benders - who are bent upon our utter destruction, To destroy them is our purpose at present. : College days heretofore meant friendships and fellowships, success in the prcfessions or business, marriage and desires for a happy home jifo with caildren, Ali of this has been changed and now the word SERVICE confronts all of us, of eil ages, The reason that you are being aeferred temporarily, to allow you to obtain an education that wili permit you to serve in a greater capacity as an officer, is because of tho expericnce that Uncle Sem has had in training officer material, He has fod that when he took volunteer enlistments for the training camps for officer material about 43% failed, due to deficiencies not here mentioned, But when Uncle Sem permitted these boys to go to college and obtain a degree then only about 5% of them failed, Therefore, you are in the upper strata and your Unele feels that it is a good investment to permit you to return to college and complete your education so that you will be a better officer to, handle the men under you. You will be mote capable and you will’ shve moe lives, and you will win the war in a shorter tine than had you immed- iately gone into tho service without this extra trainings This interlude of a few years was not given you to return to the campus and carry on in tho ways of previous college days. It will be & more serious group this year, and while athletics will have their place in the great, scheme, of, things, the real, purpose will. be. to. develop a finer. fighting morale anda mere splendid esprit de corps for, the mon ag ® Percsters « the .squerce at this time, but’ rather I am hoping that we ean be the means of develop- ing a finer sense.of obligation to. duty, whether it be on the. basketball “i 7 court or in the other walks of life here on,Yount reed. ghee epent the sumer. getting into better, physical eondltion and I am hoping to train with you so. that,we can oll make better... .. progress. Of course, we hope to have a fighting. basketball. team, but all the adjectives that heretofore: have been used: to. describe athletic toams will now be used to describe the fighting heart of our. boys in ». the thousands of battle areas.where our .K.U. boys.will be founds; . 220.05 Pi he te ot & yeas *« os Pe “