“2 Many of the boys wao left the campus last spring will never come back. This will be true also cf the boys who will leave this year. So let us not return to the campus with the thoughts of a joy- ride uppermost in our minds, nor with thoughts of riding in automobiles hither and yon, but rather lct us get on our feet and use our legs so that we will actually be in better physical condition right from the start and up to the finish, I am sending you a copy of our basketball schedule and I am listing the personnel of the men. John Buescher has already been in= ducted and left for Beardstowm for his physical examination and induction. Many of the other boys have joined tho Army and the Navy reserve. In fact, practically oll of our boys on the campus this fall will be in the SERVICE at the opening of school, There are one or two of the boys on the squad that are not in physical condition. We will not admit certain members of the squad to basketball practice until they have reduced to a minimum weight. You fellows who are overweight will know what I mean. And when we emphasize training we mean the spirit and practice of train- ing» Trusting that you have had a fine summer and that you will be able to return with a fighting heart, I am Sincer yours, Se FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coaghs Enc.