Hovember 27, 1942. Mr. BR, B, Peters, 342 So. Chelsea Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: I am sorry for the delay in replying to your letter of the 15th, but I have been out of days. : sis Sek seeenapenind tna peat Sita eh Hickey, and he desired a transition of the dates, to which we agreed. This was during the swmer and we failed to notify you, which we should have dome, and we beg your pardon. ' he arrengement for the two officials in the Creight~ on game is satisfactory, with Roeper and Oberholman working with Gibbs, with Oberhelman at Lawrence. If you can pick someone to work with Curtis we would appreciate it. I also notice that Oberhelman and Hinkhouse will work the Gerdmer Base game on the 5th. . Wo are planning to go ahead with Grest Lakes on the ‘80th, and on the 29th Jack Gardner's Clippers will fill in the Towa Pre-Flight schedule. Now, regarding the eighteen officials that you ex- well te bales ew She «tind I would be very happy to admit those gentlemen for the tax, no charge. I am sure that Jack Gardner will do the seme, and if you will talk to Lou Lower I am sure that Lou will go along with us. I consider this a pro- fessional problem and the officials are professionals, not spectators, so they should be accorded the courtesy. And too, — I eam very sure that Missouri will give those officials free ad- mission to their football gane. Lou Lower, of the Auditorium, called me the other day and asked me to be present Monday noon at the Hotel Muehlebach at the kick-off luncheon for Jeck Gardner’s Clippers, Bill Powell's Schooley's, and so forth. I promised him that I would be there, © go if I can arrange to see you at the luncheon at the Muehlebach there are many other details we can iron out. If you cannot be there I will talk to Lou Lower and so far as I em concerned make arrangements for your officials. You will understand this is really Jack Gardner's game and I have a hesitancy toward committing myself without talking to him. Of course, we figure in the expenses