4 Office of University of Nebraska Conimibncanes at Olgeal University of Kansas Lincoln . . Lawrence lah Big Six S Coll University of Oklahoma : y Kansas State ege Norman Intercollegiate Athletic Conference iiliacee University of Missouri 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Iowa State College Cobasilia KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Ames January 23, 1943 Dr. Fe Ge. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Sorry that Pullian didn't do amore satisfactory job over at Manhattan. There are so few men left, and travel so expensive that it is getting tough: It may be possible to make some sort of a switch with Pullian from your game with Nebravka. The most difficult part of thts would be the added expense of sending him to some other game, and the precedent of making changes after the assignments are out. Last year one of the coaches was insistent on a certain official being taken out of the second game because of unsatisfactory work in the previous:game. This is a very dangerous thing tomonkey with. I know that you are not interested in how this applies elsewhere, but there are instances every season,in all conferences where this comes up. Right here in our little High School League it is hitting me hard. I will probably loose the championship due to the work of one official, and he is just as bad as you say Pullina was the other night. This man will work three of my games, andhe has already lost one for me, yet I don't feel that I can say a thing. The other coach, in this case helped select him, and I was in on it to. In the event that I am unable to make a change I will write to Pullian and see if I can't get him straight- ened out. I know he will be interested in retaining some standing in the conference. There is the possibility that he is not conscious of what is ser P ere ne and will be glad to snap out of it. Don't think for one minute that I am not fully aware of just how you feel about this. I know you are always fair and want to do the right thing, and too I know you will realize the difficulties involced” here. Very sincerely yours, cof Cee tte NA Bs a Peters