Expenses of trip to Norman, Oklahoma, January 8, 9, 10. The following men made the trip: Coach Allen, Trainer Nesmith, , Armand Dixon, Otto Sshnellbacher, Hohn Buescher, Charles Black, Bob Fitspatrick, Jack Ballard, Ray Evans, Bill Brill, Max Kissell, and Peul Turner. Left Lawrence Jan. Sth. , Pullman service $2.00 Hotel, Oklahoma City 49.90 Taxi (3 cars), Okla. City to Norman and return @ $6.50 19.50 Service, Hotel, $1.10; cokes, 85/¢ 1695 After game meal, train (orange juice, fruit, ise cream, milk, sandwiches, etc.) 14.10 Pullman service 2.00 faxi, Okla. City 1.40 Entertainnent, $7.20; phones, $1.40; drinks, $2.40; newspapers, 60¢; fruit, $1.20 12.80 Expenses of trip to Kansas City, January 16, to play triple-header with North American Bombers, Rosecrans Field Flyers and Cemp Crowder. The following men made the trip: Coach Allen, Trainer Nesmith, George Dick, Don Blair, larry McSpadden, Armand Dixon, Otto Schnellbacher, John Buesoher, Charles Black, Bob Pitspatrick, Jack Billard, Ray Evans, John Short, Bill Brill, Has Kise#ll, Bill Forsyth, and Paul Turner. Hotel, Kansas City $89.07 Taxi, Kensas City, $6.40; phones, $2.85 ‘ 9.25 B. G, Foods, Ine. 34.40 Fruit, $1.10; gum, 50¢, papers, 75¢ 2.55 agape ocge Ke $9.60; service, — extra f » $2.10 13.30 $103.65 $148.37