“I trust everything 16 going fine with yous We should be very happy to hear from yous | Fath Dest wishes for your contimod avooees throughout oe I en : - trust that you got your car all rights I em terribly chagrimmed in my failure to deliver according to my promisese I en sending this special delivery, but y it slipped ny mind util I went over the details of tho tripe I missed this parking ticket altogethere Please forgive me, Cob, and rest - December 15, 1938 _ iiss Die Burkhead c/o Mrs, Roy Applebee Beloit, Kansas wy dear iiss Burkhoads Under seperate sete: see: iakin simaialinatas sain. ts snail section one of the University catalogue. On pages 73-85 you will find a deseription of the work in the School of Education; om pages 23~26, the Uni- versity's best estimate - “ewe in scmnastion with university attendance, We are enclosing herewith a bulletin describing the physical education program. I should be happy to have you read over these materi-~ als and then write ae in case you heave questions con- cerning the work in physical education, Raymond A, Schwegler Dean MRR ee Ws. Howtos 4 \4 38 Pibcansnnte; Nance. | J Gi Orie Lip Bala heghe Atehiw : / Poses. atka> , Siro Oe gr go aes | ALY, aoactoreay/ Ge 74th. Ae Pee Lacd : h. 0 the Kilt. bith ig m Sin eng ‘ | rel pl dup ae ct ee eo —— na, ee L. ae pe ict alin Seg oe te te | £72 <%, | Oe fad. quel | S So 2009Y) Lhe we ae fe ab the | ) i tae gooey te foe a ply ly 3 Ca : 7. ee OES ye Some gee wer a: 4 tee Oy a ee ee acd »Ahat ee ee | we : Saanale, Re i a Fire : ’ oe a oe ete December 8, 1938. © 429 Se 10th Ste, Dear Miss Bakers’ ‘Thank you for your very friendly, chatty letter of the Gth instant. I enjoyed it very meh and en glad to mow that you are doing so splendidly in your work at Lake Mills Public Schools O. A. RUSLEY, Superintendent Lake Mills, Iowa December 5, 1938 Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Athletics Kansas University Dear Dr. Allen: I attended one of your courses at Spirit Lake a couple of years ago and recall that you invited us to write you con- cerning special problems. I am accepting that invitation. We have a boy who was bothered with shin-splints all of last basketball season. We tried an absolute rest of two weeks together with the massage and hot ointments several times, but it did not cure him of the affliction. During these periods of rest, however, he worked in a grocery store on Saturday and Saturday evenings. We cite this to ac- quaint you with the history of the case. We are anxious that the boy does not go through a similar experience this year, so we ask your opinion concerning what ought to be done. We have been using your manipulation of the sacro-. iliac and we have not had a sprained ankle or knee in two years. We shall certainly continue to use the treat- ments. Thanks in advance for any information you may see fit to give us. Respectfully yours, ffrbut [feongue Mire Robert Bungun, lake Mills, lowe Dear itre Bungums . esis ghee et Teseuter Oth edtcenned 4 tire Havent | Ce Allen came to the office just as ire Allen ws leaving for Stillwater, Okleahom. He will return Monday, and I em gure that you will hear fran him shortly. ayy / Sanetimes i hi but the anterior tibia nerve being ine ie 3 : ate pi Hie ane 1438 AL ae fi Saclay nuke’ tn tho audh cf tee tah, if ie a andi: ag g eee Memeita, inns cn Nae Wide un b ioe Phaor tor kann amen massage, hot ointments, and so forth, will help. taping the leg across the front will helpe Certainly the work season is overs Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs tre Edwin Burr, Pallas, South Dakota. Dear Edwins a cide WAXt bikienliatgge Kebelgs of your pind letter of the 10th instante It would be rather difficult for me to Homower', I think you could find some benefit by reading my new text on basketiell, “Setter Basketball”. In this book I heve a chapter on the treatment of athletic injurtes. It shows how to tape an injured mec I.am not sure that you | cartilage injury. re ments of the imee joint. re Shite bool: chases hur to bandigh 0 knee that would be effective either through an injured semi-lumer cartilage or a strain of the internal lateral ligements. I think lr. ‘Shamnon has one of these books, and if he doesn't perhaps _ the high school library could order one from the publishers, MeGrew-I7i11 and Company of New Yorke I am sending you one of their pamphlets in which they describe the booke I also Tuva some for sabe viich 1 agree to autograph for people wo rn Saree ee SOE : 5 ageed thet I osmmot gp into enough detall to exible you to get this bandaging without referring to the book. You doubtless have already tried the elastic Imee bandage. That has helped in some cases, and then they have a number of elastic Imee braces. But the best thing, of course, is | - to use this adhesive tape Imee bandages : os s trust that yourlmes improves rapidlye Director of Physical Education, | Varsity Basketball Coache ' DP ie PO I. /0, foe “Byg Ae) a Leth ath LA ape ip ti. "at pe aM Bin | December 14, 19386 lire Ce O+ Burnside, Manger, een aa Company, Dear -Cobs A : | wc eteratesasteet meas ae Milt Meler who conducts the “Under the Mire" column ves a fullback on the Kansas team, end Elon Torrence is 4 Baker ‘University graduate who is doing post-graduate work heres ; The editorial is characteristic of the things that have Sppeared for several monthss The editorials have been dignified throughout the yeare The Men's Student Council and the Women's Self Government Association have taken united action, as has the _ Peneflellenic. The students did most of this. ‘There was no faculty member telling the boys and girls how to behave. _ We are leaving tomorrow morning on the streamliner, Rock island, and will arrive in Oklahoma City at 3235. I hope to. have an opportunity to visit with youe I appreciate your . kindness in getting the Central High Sehool gymasiun for use With all good wishes, I am ‘Very sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES December 1, 1938 Mr. Forrest Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Fog: fany thanks for your kind offer to entertain us on our way to Chicago. I appreciate your kindness. We have de- cided, however, that since you are not going to be in Lawrence we will work out at the Kansas City Athletic Club. I wish you the best of luck for your success in the South. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, pA Sa coca glen ces Suan dC peel OLS Ra ail Sie Fe alee ee ee NRE ila td ei gesy Vay oP Sab ae iors Ee NST ay ahd OEE ES ae ies December 14, 1958. : Mitre Maurice Le Breidenthal, Security Netional Bank, Fansas City, Kansase Dear Mauriees : ia DON'T MISS THE BIG FREE GOODRICH SHOW FEATURING Ca ed eB CA GOING TO THE FAIR? THUR aa Me eet MAIN OFFICE NEA SERVI CE IZ0O0 WEST TWHIRUD ‘st, “CLEVELAND, OHIO SUPPLYING A COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE 461 EIGHTH AVENUE .. . NEW YORK DAILY ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SERVICE TRIBUNE TOWER .... . . CHICAGO TO NEWSPAPERS IN THE UNITED STATES 1013 THIRTEENTH ST.,N.W. . WASHINGTON AND: FOREIGN: COUNTRIES |... TEN 812-814 MISSION ST. . . . SAN FRANCISCO COLOR COMIC AND EIGHT MAGAZINE 1257 SO. LOS ANGELES ST. . LOS ANGELES PAGES WEEKLY IN STANDARD AND 455 CRAIG ST. W. . » « « MONTREAL TABLOMO. Size ow 2s LOCAL. ART, 3 JOHNSON’S CT., FLEET ST.. E.c.4. LONDON ENGRAVING AND MATTING SERVICE 32° RUE LE PELETIER 3-6 2s 8s) es PARIS Dear POR eeece Just in case you might have our client papers out in your neck of the this clip-sheet showing your part in our series» at; out, and aif” ever we can be of service to Sincerely, Jerry Brondfield - 1 NEA Service Sports Vesk Brew fatl ———THE WORLD’S GREATEST NEWSPAPER FEATURE SERVICE———— © BACK OF BASKETBALL Shifting Zone Defense Necessitates High Degree of Teamwork on Hardwood Seventh of 20 instructive basketball articles by famous coaches. wt BY PHOG ALLEN Coach, University of Kansas Saas common conception of teamwork in basketball is that it applies only to offense, but in reality it operates best on defense—zone style—which, at Kansas, is a simple transition from man-to-man ac- cording to situations which might develop—namely, when the defense is outnumbered. etc.) When a defense is not outnum- bered it should be eee the offense, but where it is out- numbered it should expect the offense to shoot. We strive for an economy of : defense, con- : serving our forces near the basket, yet we : project our de- fensive ten- : tacles in all di- rections. We pick our offensive opponents at the start of the game and then switch as the situation develops. The two de- fensive forwards play a man-to- man while the center and guards form a triangle. When they out- number our defensive setup we play the zone principle, ready to shift to a man-to-man when the tension eases. % & Do pS brief we play a man-to-man on any offensive player who has the ball ready to shoot. Some- body must cover him. While the offense is setting up their chance at a basket we go into the zone, which has the two forwards in a Phog Allen (One defensive man opposed by two offensive; two defensive by three offensive, parallel line out front in scoring territory, the guards in a line near the basket, and the center at a spot near the foul line, forming a triangle with the«two guards. The most vulnerable positions of the attack are situated where the three men form the triangle. These three men range outward or backward conjointly and co- ordinately as the offensive situa- tion indicates. % * % HEY know the offensive men near the basket create the most perilous situation and con- centrate on them, yelling, stomp- _ing, and waving their arms men- acingly, attempting to force a bad pass, or cause an offensive player to fumble. This closely knit unit, which always moves in the direction in which the ball has been passed, often is so successful that the offense finds it extremely difficult to work the ball close enough for a good shot. The defense forces the offense to take shots from farther out, and then, because they work so much in harmony, the three men forming the triangle swing back to the basket for rebound work and usually are in the best posi- tion to get the ball off the back- board. NEXT: Penetrating the zone defense, by Roy Mundorff of Georgia Tech. (Copyright, 1938, NEA ur "Basketball Methods". 8 os tee ] Wy that I can write that will | Teng there nice of you to do thide is ‘a eu a be @ pleasure to do so. rd \ a fil Pleasant sumer. In the that wrth you contend ae: ia Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA July 14, 1939. Dr. F.. Gy Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: image you for your letter of July 7th. I shall be very glad to autograph your copy of my book. I hope that the copy which you have received is a complimentary one, which I instructed the Mac- millan Company to send to you. I will feel badly if you have purchased a book for your own personal property. I haven't forgotten your many kindnesses to me when you were publishing your first basket- ball efforts. The book has not yet arrived but I shall be on the lookout for it. Very sincerely yours, ie a STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA July 7, 1939. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of June 28th. I have just recently received some copies of my book from the MacMillan Company. Frankly, it is just a little bit beyond my expectations. Of course I may be prejudiced. I am glad to know that you expect to use the book as a reference in basketball methods. The foundation of the beok, of course, is based upon my fundamental training under you. I have attempted to give acknowledgment of this in the preface. I felt that I had something additional to contribute in the way of philosophy of team play and general procedure which were not present- ed in other publications. This is the main excuse that I had for writing the book. I will be glad to have your critical comments when you have seen a copy. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Dr. &. ©. Allien, Director of Physical HEd., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. re eee er or. Fohers te mp rth of wate