Qeteber 21, 1943 Heads of Departments in A.5.T. Program? > You have submitted a card with the probable term grade for cach of the boys in your classese Since there is another weok of sehool in the present term, it is probable that you may want to change the term marks for some of she buyse This can be done by _ felling owt a new card and indicating the grade that you wish the bey to have at the end of the term and ~ getting i+ into my office by Monday, Beveuber 1, «Im ease the grade whieh you put on the card ; this week is to remain the grade for the course, you — need not send in an additional dards The registrar's offiee will send to you the yegular grade sheots to fill out for the Army Program, Sineerely yours, a Director, AST Program