COLUMN That was quite a smoke screen Phog Allen sent up yesterday in pre-arranging for the dates and site for a Big’ Six basketball playoff. Just as if he doesn’t intend to bump off Oklahoma at Nor- man Friday for a clean-cut title! The man is cagey. Bruce Drake, young coach of ‘the Sooners, may have figured this out. After grabbing enough of the bait to challenge Allen’s right to select Wichita—what about the Big Six rule against off-campus competition?—-Drake receded and announced: “We're thinking only of Friday’s contest.” Perhaps Drake has seen Allen’s hypnotics work on the Big Six before. At the K,. U. coach’s suggestion, tinkering has been done with circles on the floor, twelve-foot baskets, bigger hoops,- hoops with lights on them, smaller balls, dotted lines and dozens of other innovations. All the while, Allen has sawed wood and won under the rules in vogue. Perhaps Drake and some of the other coaches are beginning to fathom Allen’s wizardry. Allen’s refusal to set back the date for the Fifth Dis- trict N. C. A. A. playoff. be- tween the Big Six champion and the Oklahoma Aggies will bring about another innova- tion—flying to games. The Missouri Valley champions will Grass Roots—Kansas Editors’ Symposium THE TOPEKA Drake Questions Allen’s the Metropolitan Invitation tournament in Madison Square Garden, New York, the night of March 15, then grab a plane for Oklahoma City to meet the Big Six champs the next night. There’s never an idle moment with this man Allen around. You can hear that WIBW has sold Ernie Quigley’s “You Can't Do That” program to the Colum- bia Chain, for delivery next au- tumn. ... High school basketball teams coming to Topeka next week may again find housing problems. A druggist convention also is billed the first three days of the week. And the D. A. R. will start coming in on Saturday. ... Jack Johnson, the Fort Hays State captain, will join the E. G. Stevens ‘club of Wichita for the Kansas A. A. U. tournament. . . . Chicago papers used double-column art on Wes Fry’s mug when the ex-Kansas State coach was signed by North- western. _ The six-inch board floor in Hoch Auditorium, where the K. U. team plays basketball, is set on solid concrete. And the Jayhawks can’t practice there more than twice a week without several cases of shin splints resulting. Bring on that field house. .. . Bill Monypeny, Southwestern’s coach, recently won the Central Conference basketball title while in bed. He had retired last Saturday night when friends called to inform him that St. Benedict’s had beaten Fort Hays State, that Wichita had bumped the title with Hays and Pitt as a result. Steve O’Rourke, Detroit scout, jhas received his. unconditional re- lease from the Springfield Cardi- nals of the Western Association, according to the Sporting News, after being on the voluntary re- tired list for twenty years. Fol- lowing his management of the Cardinals in 1920, O’Rourke was placed on the list and his name had never been removed. Because of his alliance with the Tigers, Steve thought it best to remove any technical connection with the Cardinals which © Commissioner Landis might question and asked for his reinstatement so that he could be officially released. Joplin’s Yankee output in the W. A. this year will work with Binghampton, N. Y., instead of the Kansas City Blues. ... Ferrell Anderson, rumpus-stirring catcher, goes to Norfolk in the Class B Piedmont League; Outfielder Ar- nold Traxler and Pitcher Ken Jacobsen to Wenatchee of the Western International. . . . Harl Hamilton, the St. Joe owner, and Gene Sullivan, sports editor of the St. Joseph Gazette, visited yester- day with Pete Mitchell, owner of the Owls. ... Mitchell also got a wire from Hack Wilson saying he planned to don a suit in the San Francisco Seal camp today. Members of the Hi-12 Club yesterday not only heard E. C. Quigley ramble twenty-five minutes thru his interesting athletic career but they got tokens to boot. E. C. Nash, who introduced Quig, was pre- sented a leather-bound copy present got a miniature Na- tional League baseball and the " youngest received an auto- _ graphed ball used in the third game of last year’s world series. . . , Billy Dewell, the former S, M. U. athlete, is visiting in Newton and Dodge City prior to reporting for pitching service at Muskogee again. Note to Kenny (Pitt Sun Simons: I say Ernie (One Grand Schmidt was six-feet-three whe he played in your town. My op ponent in a small wager says h was only six-two. Who wins?.. Incidentally, Schmidt’s scorin; record in the Central Conference was not broken by Francis Lync! of St. Benedicts, as some have i ferred. Schmidt’s 1932 averag was 15 points per game. Lyncl averaged 13.6 which was bette than Lloyd Tucker’s 13.4 of a yea: ago. ... The Ottawa Herald fron paged an editorial on Dick God love following his seventh straigh Kansas Conference championshij Monday. The essence was this “Godlove’s teams are smarter tha their rivals.” Basketball Popularity Is Growing New York, March 6.—(A. P.) Basketball is fifty years old, bu it keeps attracting more and more attention. : play on the final program of Pittsburg. His team shared - of the Guide. The oldest man In answer to an Associated DAILY CAPITAL e SPORTS Thursday, March 7, 1940 Authority on Playoff Arrangements ‘Press query on what is what in the cage game and why, the na- tion’s coaches and observers all agreed on one thing—the growth in popularity of the game is the most encouraging and universal sign noted. N. Y. U. Plays Before 18,318 As a prime example, the collegi- ate doubleheaders in Madison ‘Square Garden this year played to 212,672—and baskethall’s biggest crowd, the 18,318 for the New York University-St. John’s and Long Island doubleheader was sur- passed only once all winter and that. by a fight mob of nearly 20,000 that turned out to see Lou Ambers give Al “Bummy” Davis a boxing lesson. In the New England area there has been increased interest both in number of spectators and schools playing the game, Holy Cross has put a quintet on the floor now, and Boston College will follow suit as soon as it has a gym. Other New England schools to take up basketball recently are Maine, Bates, Colby and Assump- tion College—and the Maine col- leges have been playing to packed houses all this year! Grows in Southwest Possibly the next most impor- tant growth of the game has come in the Southwest. The tip-off that basketball has finally reached an unquestioned status there are those crowds of 7,000 that filled the beautiful new Texas Univer- sity fieldhouse all season. 2 : University of Michigan intra- ‘}mural department is experiment- ing, with convex basketball back- boards. Sooners Want Vote lf Race Is Tied; Games to Wichita? Allen's N.C.A.A. Dates Force Aggies to Fly; K. U. to Norman Friday Norman, Okla., March 6.—(A. P.)—Bruce Drake, University of Oklahoma basketball coach, ex- pressed surprise tonight when in- formed that Dr. F. C. Allen, Kan- sas coach, had announced a Big Six Conference playoff—in event of a tie—would be held at Wichita, Kan. “It’s news to me,” said Drake. ‘I don’t know a thing about it. What’s more, I don’t care—much.. All we're thinking about down here is Friday night’s game with Kan- sas.” Jays May Cinch Title Oklahoma,and Kansas wind up the season here. Friday night. Kansas must defeat. the Sooners to earn a clear-cut claim. to the title. If Oklahoma wins, the title will be shared jointly by Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. The playoff then would be neces- Sary on March 11 and 12 to deter- mine the Big Six representative in the N. C. A. A. Fifth District against the Oklahoma Aggies, Mis- souri Valley champions. — “However,” Drake said, “it looks to me as if we should have’ a voice jin selecting the site of a playoff than 2:50 o’clock the afternoon of the sixteenth. That won’t slow our boys down any more than a train ride from Nebraska or Kan- gas would, and they’ll still have five or six hours to rest.” The Aggies qualified for the N. C. A. A. district playoff by win- ning the Missouri Valley title. Kansas now leads the Big Six race. NO CHANGE IN DATES Kansas City, Maren 6.—(A. P.) —Dr. F. C. Allen, Kansas Univer- |sity basketball coach and manager of the Western N. C. A. A. final tournament, said today the Big Six representative and the Missouri Valley champion would meet in Oklahoma City March 16 to de- termine one of the meet’s entrants. Oklahoma A. & M., Missouri Valley titleholder, will compete in a New York tournament March 11 to 15 and will fly to Oklahoma City during the night for the game next day. ; If Oklahoma defeats Kansas Friday night the three Big Six teams, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas, which will share the con- ference title will select their repre- sentative in a playoff at Wichita March 11 and 12. A Jayhawk. triumph ‘Friday would give Kansas the title and eliminate need of the Wichita meet. Three other quintets from west of the Mississippi and the March 16 winner will compete here March 22 and 23 for the right to oppose the Eastern champion on the same ie March 30 for the national itle, ; if we’re going to be in it. Nobody said anything to me about it. I don’t know whether George Ed- ; wards, the Missouri coach, was consulted or not.” Drake added he didn’t want to “cross any bridges before we come to them,” indicating he was willing |to.wait until after Friday night’s game before discussing the situa- tion further, * Sets Playoff for March 16 Allen, as chairman of the N. C. A. A. Fifth District, has set the | playoff between the champions of the two conferences for March 16 at Oklahoma City. Stillwater, Okla., March 6.—(A. P.)—It’s a long jump between New York and Oklahoma City, but the] |Oklahoma Aggies—fast enough to show their heels’to their basketball foes in twenty-five consecutive ;|games—are going to romp _ in Madison Square Garden and Okla- homa City’s auditorium on succes- | Sive nights. | Coach Henry Iba, who must have his Missouri Valley champions |back in Oklahoma City March 16 |to meet the Big Six Conference winners in the fifth district N. C. A. A. playoffs, accepted an invi- tation today to play in New York’s Metropolitan tournament, March | 11 to 15. |To Travel by Plane “We're going to keep faith with jour followers at home and enter ‘ jsaid, “hut we’re going to New | York, too. “This may seem a little hoggish, but my seniors want to make the| trip East and it may be the last |time that an A. and M. team ever |has such an opportunity. “I’ve scouted the possibilities of |playing in both tournaments from |every angle and here is what we |can do: | “We'll leave Oklahoma City next Tuesday morning by _air- plane. Tuesday is the twelfth, but we don’t have to play in the Gar- den until March 13. We automat- ically go into the semifinals. Win| or lose in the semifinals, we play| again Friday night, March 15. “Ned Irish (promoter of the New York tourney) promised me over| long distance telephone this morn-| ing to start our game early enough the night of the fifteenth so that] we will be able to reach the airport| in time ot catch that 11:10 p. m. plane out of New York. Plenty of Rest “Our kids will go right to bed in a fourteen-passenger sleeper and| arrive in Oklahoma City not later | | March 5, 1950. at at i i a Chairman, Sth District, NCAA. Very ey WESTERN UNION Wichita, Kansas Mare} 1 ye 1940. Dre Forrest Ce Allen. Edwards fevors plan judging by telephone conversations Assured me they would be ine Things looking great heres Do you need comtract? Contact me before leaving for Normans Will see you theres Regards. - Jack Copeland, Sports Editor, Wichita. Beacons March 7, 1940. George Edwards, ; University of Missouri, C olumbia, Moe each of Have conferred with mmrkiom Big Six faculty representatives. All, with exception of Dre Shirkey, Have their unequivocal approvalefor NeCoAeke committee handling Big Six play-off this year. Please notify Dre Shirkeye Forrest C. Allen, Chairman, 5th Diste NeCoAehe March 7, 19406 George Edwards, University of Missouri, Columbia, Moe Have conferred with one: Big Six faculty representatives. All, with exception of Dr. Shirkey, pave their unequivocal approvalefor NeCoAshe committee handling Big Six play-off this yeare Please notify Dre Shirkeye Forrest C. Allen, Chairmen, Sth Distse NeCeAehs DENVER LIMITED PACIFIC LIMITED TICKET OFFICE - 208 EAST 11TH STREET - PHONE VI. 6530 EXPENSES Incident to Wichita Play-Off Railroad fare, University of Kansas basketball - 15 persons), @ $6.55 each « os 0 « oo 0 $9825 sasese 8790 Telephone calls ees ec ecsesnsesseeceeee 2600 WARN he Seva lin se wsnsejacsace Matt Stenographic assistamce wesc eee eserses 25600 WN be ewe is 6 0-8 anh 40 wun 35.00 Total = $221.15 Oe fiw 3 Coolie a LG eae Sib Se 23,56 Css ¢. + 12 (nt) @ Lega SiMe ie ee ne : postmen ic. A/JO 6 Aan. he POA sAH iL! ll, 15806 1 Om! i | & i if : i iy Ht ci : The ae | i +r nN He 5 Hl Ee i i i [i aE 7 nu i r i 7 rector of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Masketball Conche gf Mey 9, 1940. Mate Barl Le Falkenstien, Finaneial . Ke Ue Athletic University of Kansas. Aw & Me at Oklahoma City on Merch 16, and the Big Six play-off at Wichite on March 11 and 12 betwoen Fensas, Missouri, end Ollehcma.e < conferred with lire 4. ¢. Olsen, and while the origimal agreement was that 20; of the profit ws to go to the N.C AAs, he felt thet since we hed done so wll in the Western and Finel chémpionshin comes in Kansas City this money should be returned to the schools. The checks are for the following anourts:s Kenses share in the Oklahom Aggie game, Mere 16 = $742.72 One-half of NeCeAsie 20%, retuned tos chools « 185.68 Kansas share in Big Six pley-off, Mare 11, 12 ~ 743075 One-third of 1.CAeAs 20%, returned to schools « 135.695 Total « « « « eflbDde0G Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsA TI Varsity Basketball Coaches | lewrence, Kansas Maroh 18, 1940. It Virgil Spurling, University of Minsourt., Columbia, Missouri Deaxw Virgils ) : This will acknowledge receipt of you" letter and the travel account of University of Missouri bas teane Il am endeavoring to go to Wichita to close up the mtter with the promoters there. I feel pretty — confident thet we will have a very tidy sum for the — a eT an Very sincerely yours, POA sAll _ ~Mamager, NCAAs Basketball Tournanente | March 14, 1940 lite George Ddwaurds, Basketball Coach, University of Missow’, Columbia, Missuut%e pegs Cea Will you kindly send to Ibs Nenry neverty, “Waohita, Kansas, the expensé accom of you Univer~ sity of Missouri basketball team during the l.CeAsie playeoff in Wiehita? Bigg a aonpele eg aaa hte operation in this matter so that wo may get the i. CC ee Thanking you for your fine cooperation, I am Very cordially yours, Mamager’, NeCeAeis Bashetball Towmauente POAg AH . Lowrance, Mereh 14, 1940 itr, Bruce — Basketball ¢ Thiversi ty of Olfahorm, Norman, Oklehortie Dear Byeuces Jee | Will you Iindly send to lis Henry hevemd,- Wiehita, Kansas, the expense ascot of your Univere sity of Odaham basketball team during the ICA, playoff in Wichita? I will appreciate your early co- sperntion in this mitter so that we my get the accor settled up and get tho money to you which is due your Universitye Thanking you for your fine cooperation, IT en Very cordially YOURS, Managot, MeCelele Basketball Tournmuents Mayeh 14, 1940 ire Tomy Levert, Wichita, Kaywate Dear Henwys I desire to take this means of thanléing you for your very generous hospitality and splendid cooper+ ation in promoting the Big Six playeoff in the city of FCAs AH Manager, NeCeAcA, Basketball Tournanente STANDARD TIME INDICATED RECEIVED AT TELEPHONE YOUR TELEGRAMS TO POSTAL TELEGRAPH FORM 16 dil America Cables IE atc Canadian facific Telegraphs PLS CALL THIS 1S A FULL RATE TELEGRAM, CABLE- GRAM OR RADIOGRAM UNLESS -OTHERWISE INDICATED BY SYMBOL IN THE PREAMBLE | OR IN THE ADDRESS OF THE MESSAGE. SYMBOLS DESIGNATING SERVICE SELECTED ARE OUTLINED IN THE COMPANY’S..TARIFFS ON HAND-AT EACH OFFICE AND ON FILE WITH REGULATORY AUTHORIT#ES. CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS — is a at os : ; DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- Be sae ples its de- 19) NL=Night Letter erred character is in- C} LC=Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable 7 ints = symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON . WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram 7 PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD miner nee -PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAD 10 42/45 NT=WICHITA KANS MAR 10 40 WAR TAO AN OS c i ALLEN= :KANSAS NIV | HOTEL DURING THE HAVE SPLENDID ROOM WITH PRIVATE AS ‘Two DOLLARS EACHs IUN TON COLLECT= THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE - . SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Nighe Letter am unless its de- erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable : symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. : R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PREGJIDENT sr Ary soo re The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TINE at Dbint of destination nil AN OKLA & Nib BARSASCITY MO.10 THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter gram unless its de- ferred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER a Ship Radiogram f PRESIDENT (0 oS) Ss CHAIRM AN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. ‘Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAD28 34 DL 2 EXTRA=WICHITA KANS 7 952A (4OMAR 7 AV 10 41 DR F C ALLEN= KANSAS UNIVERSITY EDWARDS FAVORS PLAN JUDGING BY TELEPHONE CONVERSATION. ASSURED ME THEY WOULD BE IN» THINGS LOOKING GREAT HEREs DO YOU NEED CONTRACT s CONTACT ME BEFORE LEAVING FOR NORMAN. WILL SEE YOU THEREs REGARDSs«= JACK .COPELAND SPORTS EDITOR WICHITA BEACON. G- THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ } E, S E R N | 1201 SYMBOLS : : DL=Day Letter This is a full-rate 9 ) Telegram or Cable- NL=Nighe Letter m unless its de- 2 erred character is in- TG=Deferied Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. ; R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER ~ Ship Radiogram 7 PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. ‘Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination *KAD Sf 5= WI CHIT At \NS 5 421P% OAD i is 5 ri 2 J DR F C ALLEN= “KANSAS UNIVERSITY ‘MAR® 11 DATE AVAILABLE & REGARDS&= JACK COPELANDs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS- CONCERNING ITS SERVICE | March 6, 1940. ria 3 is 335 1 dg aa i ra i a iat Hit fig sas iy il al Hila ity 3 aa Way steeerely yet, Varsity — FOASAH