June 30, 1945. Mr. C. G. Bayles, Supt., Buildings and Grounds, University of Kansas. β€” Dear Mr. Bayless I em confirming my phone conversation regarding the leaks in my office, which is in the southwest corner of Robinson Gyrmasium. The water fairly pours dow from the conjoined margin of the deiling dnd the west wall. I immediately supposed there was a window open in the Naval officers quarters directly above my office. I called Chief Gathings and he hurried over, but the room above was as dry as a bone. | Then I called you and you asked me to get the janitor. I got Ry Jackson | and me made a thorough inspection of the K Room windows, and that room is utterly dry. Then we inspected the outside. β€˜The only way it appears to me that it would come in is through the ledge above the windows in the officers quarters at the soutiwest corner of the tuilding. Rain is admitted from above, not the eaves, but the ledge above the windows. I would say, conser~ β€” vatively, two gallons of water came in my office. I have ten towels and they are sepping wet. <5 ee The water strikes the baseboard as it drips from the molding on the wall which is set in one foot from the window. It also splashes against the radiator which is a 6~inch inset from the window ledge, and then it splashes ever on my desk and spoils a let of correspondence and books on my desk, which is two feet from the radiator. The south windows of my reom leak enough to admit water, but the glass air ventilatoxs in a way protect it from coming in on the sill. But an equally bad situation is on the south windows in the long room just to my left. These two south windows lead water from the top, which convinces me that the seme situation exists in those south windows that exists in the windows above the officers quarters. The used towels which the men in physical education and officers use are piled high on a locker, We use those te sop up the water during and after a rain. . Also, the windows on the west side in ow front office, where Henry Shenk, Reg Strait and Ray Kanehl are, leak from the bottem enough so that it is necessary to put three or four towels on the ledges or else the water will stand there in pools. Even though the windows are closed tight and locked, . the water still runs in, in great quantities. β€” si