Office of THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence the Chancellor January 22, 1945 TO ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS: In order to assure faximum sanitary conditions ‘in all departments of the University and in all aspects of its activities, I have asked Mr. Paul Haney to serve as University Sanitary Officer, with authority to inspect any part of the plant at any time and to make such recom-— mendations and take such action as may be necessary in the interests of proper sanitary standards on the campus, To assist and advise with him I am appointing an advisory committee on Campus Sanitation of the follow- ing members; Dr. Sherwood Dr. Canuteson Dean Werner Dean Jones Mr. C. G. Bayles Some departments are not involved in the probien to any great degree of course, Others are vitally con- cerned, If and when Mr. Haney or any member of his ad- visory committee should get in touch with you in connec- tion with any problem under the committee's jurisdiction, I should appreciate very much your cooperation und help in order that we may all work together in assuring proper safety and heaith standards. Sincerely yours, DEANE VW. MALOTT Chancellor