. dune 25, 1943. we of the gymmesium every day. The icemn ain ae aaa pounds of ice in the cooler and days. The large pieces of ice iid up, end when that hot afternoon sum gets around to the west door the ice soon melts end the water it is very lapoertant thet we have cool drinking — water for these boys teking physical conditioning because we work them strenuously. The drinking fountain is used from 7 o'clock in the morning until efter 6:50 in the evening, and then of course when intramural gemes are on the boys use it until nearly 11 ofclook at night. Iwill appreciate anrthing you can de te sce that it is iced at least once a day, instead of evary other daye | Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.