oe INVOICE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS" DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Lawrence, Kansas,............... June--30.,...-19--42... -Physical..Education..................... Your Order Nig oui Hstimate.. ce oo Devine Oye Our Job No 246 essa «= «19-1612 11-41—5M : AMOUNT Plumber | Install tubing in Chlorin- : : ator 2.25 1 - switch station for Hair Dryer 1.70 6 - sheets sandpaper Dugan «06 1/4 gal. gas ‘ .03 i - hank sash cord Davidson i200 8 lb. wire " «56 Plumber Chlorine gas leak 015 1 qt. turps Dugan 2.2 16 lbs. No. 16 Wire Davidson 096 7 pr. 3* Strap hinges ' ~56 2 pr. 6" - 228 10 - 3" Hasps 1.20 3 doz. 13" F.H. Bright Screws Davidson +18 6 gal. Floor enamel by Hulteen 16.20 1 Ibe Roofing nails Davidson «05 Daynafer, Meck 27 445