eo S H a d te eeu Bee Un! , fi fi Aas A ae : dune 28th, 1941 Mr, Boerhart Plumber Campus Dear Kr. Eberhart: | Would you oe chad enough to give us an estimate on the shower head in Miss Ruth Hoover's department. Thank youl | Sincerely yours, Sece Department of Physical Education and Riceenkinn-farctty Basketball and Beseball Coach. YCArre ‘February 24, 1941 Wre Ce Ge Bayles Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds University of Kansas Deer Ce. Get I have been checking up on Kenneth Dugan*s work. ie is the young man who is the jenitor in the basement of the gymnesiume. I find thet he works from 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning, and does an especially good job of keeping the basement clean and in fine orders However, we have a faculty dressing room with a good many lockers that some thirty-five faculty members use, and I am wondering if it would be possible to give Kenneth ean extra two hours work on Seturday morninge He could put this faculty dressing room in the shape that we would like to have ite This would only be an added detail of two more hours on Saturday morninge If you could increase his time from two to four hours on eeeer morning it would help us out immenselye Thanking you for your many past favors, I am, Sincerely yours, FCA sig:min Director of Physical “ducation and Beergation ie Versity Basketbell Coach Mre CoG» Bayles Supte, Buildings & Grounds University of Kansas Dear lire Bayless . Thank you oney unk for your assignnent of Giishied Sa cick $n: Rchineen Qemagl we dering Geietens vacation. The appearance of several of ovr roons is now greatly improved. Mr. DeGroot tells me you stated that you might be able to find a wash bowl to replace the old, stained .one in the lawatory off Room 107- We would greatly appreciate an exchange of sinks in that lavatory if it could be arranged.s Yours sincerely, Direetor of Physical Biucation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Dece 20, 1940 Mre Ce Ge Bayles Supte Bldge & Grounds 201 Re Se | University of Kansas Dear Mre Bayles: Por some time we have been trying to deterrine the cause end source of # very disagreeable odor arising in — the men’s locker room in the basement of Robinson Gym. We heve finally traced this odor to the floor drain, located on the south side of the main row of lockers in the lecker room. Apparently, the cause is @ stopped up pipe or sewer. Last week the same odor was detected 4n the sbower in the faculty dressing roome We would appreciate your havédig thié matter investi- gated. Sinecrely yours, EBL Director of Physical Educationand Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach November 13, 1940 Mire CeGe Bayles Superintendent Buildings and Grounds University of Kansas Dear CeGes Tt was indeed ewoll of you to fix up the corner in the running track as you dide I greatly appreciate it I = : The fact that Professor Eugene Ao Stephenson has importuned me continually regarding this thing for two years, makes me believe that you have contributed very definitely te the physical welfare as well as the mental enjoyment of the faculty members, They will know from mo that you did this jobe 4& great mumber of faculty menbers, who cannot withe stand the rigors of the hard winter, desire to drive a yarn golfbell instead of a hard guttapercha ball indoors. They can practice their swings and get the same exercise out of this. form of ball slamming that the pros get from the other activitye Again I thank you and appreciate your carrying through this detail, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig There has been a demand for two years for a driving range and our idea is to get a netting which will confine the golf balle within this enclosures something like a batting cage for baseball, only this be used for golf. On the other end of the gymnasium we could use ! : Before I go further with this I would like a personal conference with you and show you what we have in mind. Professor Eugene A» Stephenson, Professor of Petroleun Engineering, is one of these consistently tenacious professors who keeps after me, and I see until we get something for Stevie and his co-workers. . I would appreciate an opportunity to converse with you at your earliest conveniences g é Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation » Varsity Basketball C | Ostober 4, 1940 litre Co Ge Bayles Depte of Buildings and Grounds University of Kansas Tear Ure Bayless I aclmowledge with gratitude your kind letter of October 1 in which you state you will put in stone steps below the service road and @ culvert above as soon as possible. Thanking you for your kindness, I am, Sincerely yours, a f Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT Oct 21,1940 Mre Forrest C,Allen Director of Physical Education Robinson Gymasium Dear Mr. Allens I wish to adknowledge receipt of your letter of September 26th regarding steps that lead down to the handball courts. We will put in stone steps below service road and a culvert above as soon as possible. Very truly yours, Superintende i Dept Buildings &Grounds CGB: hi Dear irs Baylece 4H courtse For 0 the best of our ability, “ae Grounds to have the 8B rather unsafe leoks of the often wildings and ati a 3% % 44 iti a sieas: 3 Hhn ah in | baie last ah al Director of Physical Education and Recreation. Varsity Basketball Coach , cc: Dean Schwegler FeAglg See eat The officer on the campus, Mrs George Snyder, stopped in my office and said that the night wetchaen did not have a key for my office, 105 Rubinson Gymnasium, nor the Athletic office, 105 Robineon Gymmasiuns I have just checked with Mr, Earl of anfety the night watetenn chould have & hay te thoes offices, I am agreeable to this thought. Sinoerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig pipes in the pool and they are rusted badly» We have drained pool soe that these could be painted, if it is possible’ for your men to get to theme It is an extensive job but it ‘the locks of the pool with this corrosiom and rust 60 I luis aucsy deel 4.40 tay of seer a could get to this job at your early Syavenionete Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Auguet. 7, 1940 Mr. C, G. Bayles University of Kansas Dear Mr. Sayles: I have just received word that the two student councils voted $550 from the Activity Reserve Fund last spring for use in levelling the west intramural field. The money is now available, and you may feel free to plan the work with Dr. ¥. 6. Allen. Sincerely yours, ky B Executive Secretary CG w= FF, C. Allen ; | : flat aa vols paddy mie i at GL Gita a my fit? Hi au : Zo e ti | ft ie Ha t wed it | uy if Hy ; i ii ai a oo piles ATS: aa) tts: ia L Hi i F aut (tly a a il aqig <8 had | uy uf i lie 4 y i Aa ilu! August 7,, 1940 if” alte = He i au | en] ge line ny HIE uy al i ybitlt tale Anil en satin that 4% tang He eg it ii 3 ie I believe it would be the best insurances ee dew . a3 al i i ne iG aud } i al: tay oh HL i ae as i ii a that times , The shower bath in the men's S intramural office needs painting badlys ‘The rust has taken the floor and part of the side of the steel far as we are concerned the water could be shut off so a | veno We find that paint does away with | Oe ee ee oe other single things Therefore we. , oor in the gymnasium @ hygenic measures Room 2023, @ small laboratory, has never been painted and I necessarye Any work that is hints Geveenaniea’, responsibility we will be glad to pay fore ZI am going ‘to: the University of Teams to be there witi? tm | back in Topelm after thate A letter addressed to me will receive immediate attentions I remanbor that work would have to be done this winter and perhaps will a apply to the painting of our offices i presume that the varsity ech ige sarc gar ine je gab glint Dine iho ela ata Se ee re ee ee ee 5 EF ei 5 £ e ah f g att Ee, 8 geod ae Se Be “Yours sincerely, . Direster of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity — Coach August 27, 1940 ‘Mre Ce Ge Bayles, Superintendent Untverssty of Sanus Dear irs Sayles: : Shik Wesihdey Week of Win. spinieliniek “ik ineitn te to our grameiim building is practically imosoasible to” motor travels , Sides es nts Ae cade Keath Cad howe pedsmnbad Geneniven $0 yeu ch eboount of She torrential rain, but after every culley washer we have Lc. eee the cymmasiume ) I would appreciate very much the kindly coe operation that you can give us in repairing this road at your early conveniences Mhanking you for many past favors, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Vorsity Basketball Coach FOAslg July 24, 1940. s | You are elways so cooperative that we comt 4 you & rool friend in our summer's progrine iii ascii nani sell Vicia REG INNIS Canales July 19, 1940 ire Ce Ge Bayles Superintendent. Bulldings & Grounds Dear iit. Bayless vere I am sending a departaental transfer slip to your offies for a stenk frying pane Mr.» ‘thitney, your bleck= smith, has civen me the estimate of $4.50 for the pan and $1.00 for the carrier supportse stinouiidis ot Wedebind: Wenastiies eek einen ttinins Varsity Basketball Coachse ie] July 19, 1940. i U a a a in Hi Bee Direoter of Phyrical Education and Recreation, Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coache 8 ite | ‘July 3, 19406 Mie Ce Ge: Bayles, ‘ Buildings and Groundse Dear Mre Bayless: Jj s, he? ht ll i ifn i i ae He atl tl a | ea Bh Hi ela He your attention to these mtters, I an / \ i FCA aH May - 13, 19406 wonder if it would be possible to have screens cover these ventilators so that the pigeons would | Vie shell greatly appreciate your cooperati one tt Very sincerely yours, / Director of Physical rducation and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache May 15, 19405 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Riusation and Reareation, PCA sAl ea May 8, 1940. Mre Ce Ge ‘eyles, Buildings and Groundse sels titi til sa Dit jes at aul te i u 1h the ‘hy a igit aii i i tpielal H f2 ‘I will appreciate it i ‘the windows at an early fecin Gens Gia. hain Se Saad 8 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical pducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches PCA sAli April 24, 1940. 5 af fi el : he : a3h) ss ef i aw; quell div ate! ey Ha Ut dail ait wa He Director of Physical mducation and Recreation, Varsity Basimtball Coache FCAsAH April 11, 1940. Mire Ae Ceo Elson, Buildings and Geueiieg University of Kansase Dear lire Elson: You have done so many kindly acts for us that I em venturing to call your attention again to the bad holes in the driveway back of the gymmasium. [ach ‘time it rains these holes became deeper, and although cinders have been put in there, the amout has not been sufficient because the ground beeps sinking dome Anything you can do to permanently remedy ‘is Gabeitnan WAR be ceebihiy Meeabeniel te cour who drives back of the gymmasiune Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coache February 21, 1940. Dear lire Bayless Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, . FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache