September 20, 1941. Mr. Ce. Ge Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Bayles: Pursuant to your request as of 17th in which you asked me to submit projects for the Works Progress Reserve, I list~ ing the buildings and other facilities in order of their importance to the University physical education program as I see it. Women's Building ...sse+ceeeetecsenevesneee es « $250,000, Robinson Gymmasium, as you know, was built in 1906 when the enrollment was 1200. We now have an enrollment of over 4,000, and we are endeavoring to take care of the greatly enlarged athletic and physical education department, as well as our new major program in physical education. This building is used from early morning until past eleven o'clock at night from Thanksgiving until April or May. ! came to the University as Director of Athletics in 1919, The basement was chock-full of leckers and each individual student put his gymnasium i E HE E : Hf i E Hr iif