eo UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION September a> 1941. Mr. C. @. Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds. Dear Mr. Bayles: Dre Elbel called my office this morning and reminded me of the fact that there are some grading stakes and a steam siicvel on the intramurel field. I recall having written you on June 28 asking about the grading and the possible appropriation of the state. I also mentioned the $500 given by the student councils for grading. Nét having heard from you, on July 14 I wrote the Chancellor asking about the appropriation and mentioned the fact of the grading. On July 19 I further wrote the Chancellor explaining where the $500 came from, and I mentioned to him that the students had paid for the grading on the left intramural field. Dr. Elbel is firmly of the opinion that any grading done there now would spoil his entire intramurs! program this fall. Not having conversed with you in any way, I was rather surprised to find the equipment on the field at this inopportune time. I trust that nothing will be done to spoil the intramural program. This grading at this time is contra-~ indicated. Sincerely ours, FCA: AH