the fire plug from its ‘siete on the Quadrangle to the parking we could provide a good space for this game. Bowling on the green in the cool evenings during the summer session would be one of the beauty sights as well as one of the most enjoyable end healthful exercises thet our sumer commmity could indulge in, It would take very little grading, and the sod that would — mural felis in resodding She aren we could get from the intra- mura eld. Might we ae 4 your approval of this? Or, if you desire a conference I will be very happy to talk to you con- cerning this most res feature in our summer recreative activity. I am very happy that you mentioned the handball courts. Last spring I went into them and had them repaired as best we could under the conditions. I did notice some scoribblings by some morons, and from time to time we have painted them when our funds would permit. Our maintenance budget was so definitely reduced this year that we hed not counted on doing this. But I agree with you that it is necessary to efface these emotional expressions of ugliness, and somehow we will defer some of our other expenditures for this most im- portant item to which you call my attention. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA :AH Varsity Besketbell Coach. P. 8. Dear Chancellor; After I returned from your office this morning where we discussed the painting of the handball courts, I was wondering why the department should pay for painting those courts any more than we pay for painting the walls of the gymnasium. In my letter I told you that we were going to do it and we will and we expect to, but frankly I believe that is Mr. Bayles job, end that when he sees unkempt situations that paint would help it seems to me that he is in position to rectify that mich easier than anyone else. Do you agree with me in this? FCA