THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR y July 16, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: I asked for a large appropriation for the intramural field but did not get it. There is, therefore, no reason why you should not go ahead and spend the money you how have in hand. There is another matter which I should like to bring to your attention. In a general inspection of buildings the other day with Mr. Bayles I went into the handball court building. It certainly is not a very good building, but it would be materially helped by a coat of whitewash on the inside which would lighten it up and also remove some of the decorations placed there by some thoughtless artist but which do not add to the moral tone of the University. I really think something ought to be done about this and would appreciate it if you would give it consideration. Sometime next fall, I should like to talk to you about the desirability of inviting the Rotary Club to hold one of their luncheons on the Hill. I do not know what the attitude of the Club is atout venturing from their home quarters. It occurred to me it might be worthwhile to see what could be worked out as a sort of gesture from the University to the town. Sincerely yours, Deane W. Malott, DWM: h Chancellor.