THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF July 23 1941 THE CHANCELLOR Dr. Forrest C. Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: IT have no objection to your suggestion about bowling, but just at the moment I don't know where we can get the funds to do it. I am a little loath to make any unnecessary commitments or expenses until we find out how the winter's enrollment is going. Then perhaps we can see what can be done. I think there is no logical reason why your department should keep up the handball building except that you have always done so and right now Mr. Bayles is nearly frantic with his own budget. He is the most willing person in the world but we are pushing him pretty hard to get some new ad- ministrative offices here in this building, fourteen new practice rooms in Hoch Auditorium, repairs in the basement of Fraser and maintenance work in Marvin Hall. All of these simply take up the funds which he has this year at his command. I am sorry we don't have more funds but hope to help you out possibly by opening a student drive for handball courts this spring, and I do hate to leave those buildings as they are due to the fact that students themselves complain about it. There was no appropriation at all made for the intramral field grading although I tried to get it. The legislature was pretty good to granting most of our requests but this is one that went by the boards. I am sorry, but somehow, sometime, we shall look for better luck. Sincerely, NS... @. ana DWM:h Deane W. Malott Chancellor