JOB ESTIMATE DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date... July--7.y--1941 OE Bela cuore Department......... RL PO once Description of job....... Floodlights for. recreation..grounds « 6 GE. No. 2 AL 45 AAH3 - G.E. Athletic Field Flood- lights with mounting for 2" pipe. $72 00 6 pieces of 2" pipe 20* long. 24.00 6 secondary racks 5 200 Labor for assembling 6.00 $107.00 - eee Total cétimated cost #107400. i. kbeadiel ooloacee: Foreman,1e geome iy Wi. oo Date copleted 5s 7-40—-1M 18-5141